nest; cave, den; hiding place


窩 wō
  • nest
  • pit or hollow on the human body
  • lair
  • den
  • place
  • to harbor or shelter
  • to hold in check
  • to bend
  • classifier for litters and broods


巢 wō cháo nest
工 wō gōng (of workers) to have no work to do; to be underutilized (due to lack of supplies, poor organization by management etc)
心 wō xīn aggrieved; dejected; (Tw, southern China) to be moved by a kind gesture etc; to feel gratified; to feel warm inside
頭 wō wo tóu a kind of a bread
脖兒 wō bó r to suffer a snub; to meet with a rebuff
膿包 wō nóng bāo useless weakling
藏 wō cáng to harbor; to shelter
裡反 wō li fǎn see 窩裡鬥|窝里斗[wo1 li5 dou4]
裡橫 wō li hèng (coll.) meek and civil in public, but a tyrant at home
裡鬥 wō li dòu internal strife (family, group, etc)
闊臺 wō kuò tái Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Genghis Khan
闊臺汗 wō kuò tái hán Ögedei Khan (1186-1242), a son of Genghis Khan
點 wō diǎn lair; den (of illegal activities)
xiào wō dimple
胳肢 gā zhi wō armpit; also pr. [ge1 zhi5 wo1]; also written 夾肢窩|夹肢窝[ga1 zhi5 wo1]
yè wō armpit
yāo wō dimples of Venus; back dimples
guó wō popliteal (anatomy); hollow at the back of the knee
囊腫 guó wō náng zhǒng Baker's cyst or popliteal cyst (medicine)
ài wō wo glutinous rice cake with a sweet filling
薩拉熱 sà lā rè wō Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina
fēng wō bee's nest; honeycomb; fig. honeycomb figure
煤 fēng wō méi hexagonal household coal briquet
bèi wō quilt wrapped around the body as a tube (traditional bedding); (contemporary) bedding; quilt; blankets; cover; bed
兒 bèi wō r erhua variant of 被窩|被窝[bei4 wo1]