HSK | 2 |
FREQUENCY | 785th character |
RADICAL | ⽳ (116.4) |
INDEX # | 1701 |
penetrate, pierce, drill; wear
穿 chuān |

穿越 chuān yuè | to pass through; to traverse; to cross |
穿过 chuān guò | to pass through |
穿着 chuān zhuó | attire; clothes; dress |
穿梭 chuān suō | to travel back and forth; to shuttle |
看穿 kàn chuān | see through (a person, scheme, trick etc) |
穿透 chuān tòu | to penetrate |
揭穿 jiē chuān | to expose; to uncover |
穿戴 chuān dài | to dress; clothing |
试穿 shì chuān | to try wearing clothes; fitting trial |
贯穿 guàn chuān | to run through; a connecting thread from beginning to end; to link |
横穿 héng chuān | to cross; to traverse |
穿衣 chuān yī | to wear clothes; clothing |
穿行 chuān xíng | to go through; to bore through; to push one's way through |
穿孔 chuān kǒng | to punch or bore a hole; to perforate; perforation |
穿刺 chuān cì | medical puncture to extract bodily fluid (a tap); body piercing; puncture |
拆穿 chāi chuān | to expose; to unmask; to see through (a lie etc) |
戳穿 chuō chuān | to puncture; to lay bear or expose (lies etc) |
身穿 shēn chuān | to wear (a garment) |
穿插 chuān chā | to insert; to take turns, alternate; to interweave; to interlace; subplot; interlude; episode; (military) to thrust deep into the enemy forces |
穿针引线 chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn | lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig. to act as a go-between |
穿堂风 chuān táng fēng | draft |
望眼欲穿 wàng yǎn yù chuān | to anxiously await |
穿小鞋 chuān xiǎo xié | lit. to make sb wear tight shoes (idiom); to make life difficult for sb |
百步穿杨 bǎi bù chuān yáng | to shoot with great precision (idiom) |
穿山甲 chuān shān jiǎ | pangolin (Manis pentadactylata); scaly ant-eater |