
misfortune, calamity, disaster


  • misfortune, calamity, disaster
  • old variant of 禍|祸[huo4]
  • disaster
  • misfortune
  • calamity


rén huò human disaster
兵連結 bīng lián huò jié ravaged by successive wars; war-torn; war-ridden
包藏心 bāo cáng huò xīn to harbor evil intentions (idiom); concealing malice
得福 yīn huò dé fú to profit from a disaster (idiom); some good comes out of a setback; It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
dà huò disaster; calamity
臨頭 dà huò lín tóu facing imminent catastrophe; calamity looms; all hell will break loose
天有不測風雲,人有旦夕福 tiān yǒu bù cè fēng yún , rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú fortune as unpredictable as the weather, every day may bring fortune or calamity (idiom); sth unexpected may happen at any moment
天災人 tiān zāi rén huò natural calamities and man-made disasters (idiom)
qí huò unexpected calamity; sudden disaster
jià huò to impute; to shift the blame onto someone else
於人 jià huò yú rén to pass the misfortune on to sb else (idiom); to blame others; to pass the buck
巫蠱之 wū gǔ zhī huò 91 BC attempted coup d'etat against Emperor Wu of Han 漢武帝|汉武帝, beginning with accusations of witchcraft
幸災樂 xìng zāi lè huò lit. to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster (idiom); fig. to rejoice in other people's misfortune; Schadenfreude
rě huò to stir up trouble; to invite disaster
cǎn huò terrible tragedy; grave mishap
zhàn huò disaster of war
chuō huò to stir up trouble
招災惹 zhāo zāi rě huò to invite disaster
有福同享,有同當 yǒu fú tóng xiǎng , yǒu huò tóng dāng To enjoy blessings and endure misfortune together (idiom); for better or for worse
hèng huò unexpected calamity
zāi huò disaster
病從口入,從口出 bìng cóng kǒu rù , huò cóng kǒu chū Illness enters by the mouth, trouble comes out by the mouth (idiom). A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble.
不單行 huò bù dān xíng misfortune does not come singly (idiom); it never rains but it pours
不旋踵 huò bù xuán zhǒng trouble is never far away (idiom)
亂 huò luàn calamity and chaos; devastating disorder; great turmoil
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