
sacrifice to, worship



祭 jì
  • to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors)
  • memorial ceremony
  • (in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon
  • (lit. and fig.) to wield
祭 zhài
  • surname Zhai


祭 stroke order diagram
祭 stroke order animation


品 jì pǐn offering
坛 jì tán altar
祀 jì sì to offer sacrifices to the gods or ancestors
奠 jì diàn to offer sacrifices (to one's ancestors); to hold or attend a memorial service
拜 jì bài to offer sacrifice (to one's ancestors)
礼 jì lǐ sacrificial offerings; worship; religious rite
器 jì qì ritual dishes; sacrificial vessels
祖 jì zǔ to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors
文 jì wén funeral oration; eulogy; elegiac address
zhǔ jì to perform the sacrificial rites at a funeral
全烧 quán shāo jì burnt offering (Judaism)
全燒 quán shāo jì burnt offering (Judaism)
gōng jì public memorial service
sī jì priest
司 dà jì sī High Priest
diàn jì pouring of wine on ground for sacrifice
diào jì a worship ceremony for the dead; to offer sacrifice (to ancestors); a libation
diào jì a worship ceremony for the dead; to offer sacrifice (to ancestors); a libation
打牙 dǎ yá jì to have a large and sumptuous meal (traditionally on the 1st and 15th of each month)
bài jì to worship; to observe religious rites; to pay one's respects (to one's ancestors etc)
yá jì a good meal; sumptuous food
xiàn jì to offer sacrifice
xiàn jì to offer sacrifice
典 jì diǎn sacrificial ceremony; religious festival
出 jì chū to brandish (a figurative weapon, i.e. some measure intended to deal with the situation); to resort to (some tactic)
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