
sacrifice to, worship



祭 jì
  • to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors)
  • memorial ceremony
  • (in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon
  • (lit. and fig.) to wield
祭 zhài
  • surname Zhai


祭 stroke order diagram
祭 stroke order animation


司 jì sī priest
司权术 jì sī quán shù priestcraft
司權術 jì sī quán shù priestcraft
壇 jì tán altar
孔 jì kǒng to offer sacrifices to Confucius
吊 jì diào to mourn and offer prayers
弔 jì diào to mourn and offer prayers
灶 jì zào to offer sacrifices to the kitchen god
物 jì wù sacrifices
牲 jì shēng sacrificial animal
禮 jì lǐ sacrificial offerings; worship; religious rite
赛 jì sài to give sacrifice
賽 jì sài to give sacrifice
酒 jì jiǔ to offer a libation; person who performs the libation before a banquet; senior member of a profession; important government post in imperial China
xuè jì blood sacrifice; animal sacrifice (to a God or ancestral spirit)
zhāi jì to offer sacrifices (to gods or ancestors) whilst abstaining from meat, wine etc
zhāi jì to offer sacrifices (to gods or ancestors) whilst abstaining from meat, wine etc
天 jì tiān to offer sacrifices to Heaven; celestial sacrifice