HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 1782nd character |
RADICAL | ⽰ (113.6) |
STROKES | 11 |
INDEX # | 2371 |
sacrifice to, worship
祭 jì |
祭 zhài |
祭司 jì sī | priest |
祭司权术 jì sī quán shù | priestcraft |
祭司權術 jì sī quán shù | priestcraft |
祭壇 jì tán | altar |
祭孔 jì kǒng | to offer sacrifices to Confucius |
祭吊 jì diào | to mourn and offer prayers |
祭弔 jì diào | to mourn and offer prayers |
祭灶 jì zào | to offer sacrifices to the kitchen god |
祭物 jì wù | sacrifices |
祭牲 jì shēng | sacrificial animal |
祭禮 jì lǐ | sacrificial offerings; worship; religious rite |
祭赛 jì sài | to give sacrifice |
祭賽 jì sài | to give sacrifice |
祭酒 jì jiǔ | to offer a libation; person who performs the libation before a banquet; senior member of a profession; important government post in imperial China |
血祭 xuè jì | blood sacrifice; animal sacrifice (to a God or ancestral spirit) |
斋祭 zhāi jì | to offer sacrifices (to gods or ancestors) whilst abstaining from meat, wine etc |
齋祭 zhāi jì | to offer sacrifices (to gods or ancestors) whilst abstaining from meat, wine etc |
祭天 jì tiān | to offer sacrifices to Heaven; celestial sacrifice |