jǐn jìn

exhaust, use up; deplete


盡 jìn
  • to use up
  • to exhaust
  • to end
  • to finish
  • to the utmost
  • exhausted
  • finished
  • to the limit (of sth)
  • all
  • entirely


心機 yòng jìn xīn jī to tax one's ingenuity
百尺竿頭,更一步 bǎi chǐ gān tóu , gèng jìn yī bù lit. hundred foot pole, progress still further (idiom); fig. much accomplished, still some work to do; to continue to further successes; not to rest on one's laurels
人皆知 jìn rén jiē zhī known by everyone (idiom); well known; a household name
到 jìn dào to fulfill (one's duty etc)
力 jìn lì to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort
力而為 jìn lì ér wéi to try one's utmost; to strive
美 jìn shàn jìn měi perfect (idiom); perfection; the best of all possible worlds; as good as it gets
地主之誼 jìn dì zhǔ zhī yì to act as host; to do the honors
孝 jìn xiào to do one's filial duty
展 jìn zhǎn to display (one's potential, one's talents etc)
心 jìn xīn with all of one's heart
力 jìn xīn jìn lì making an all-out effort (idiom); to try one's heart out; to do one's utmost
心竭力 jìn xīn jié lì to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
忠 jìn zhōng to display utter loyalty; to be loyal to the end
快 jìn kuài see 儘快|尽快[jin3 kuai4]
性 jìn xìng displaying fully; developing to the greatest extent
情 jìn qíng as much as one likes
意 jìn yì to express fully; all one's feelings
收眼底 jìn shōu yǎn dǐ to take in the whole scene at once; to have a panoramic view
數 jìn shù everything
是 jìn shì to be full of; completely
歡 jìn huān to thoroughly enjoy oneself
歡而散 jìn huān ér sàn to disperse after a happy time (idiom); everyone enjoys themselves to the full then party breaks up
皆 jìn jiē all; without exception; complete; whole; entirely
義務 jìn yì wù to fulfill one's duty; to work without asking for reward