jǐn jìn

exhaust, use up; deplete


盡 jìn
  • to use up
  • to exhaust
  • to end
  • to finish
  • to the utmost
  • exhausted
  • finished
  • to the limit (of sth)
  • all
  • entirely


一網打 yī wǎng dǎ jìn lit. to catch everything in the one net (idiom); fig. to scoop up the whole lot; to capture them all in one go
一言難 yī yán nán jìn hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly
一飲而 yī yǐn ér jìn to drain the cup in one gulp (idiom)
bù jìn not completely; endlessly
根 bù jìn gēn surd (math.)
其才 rén jìn qí cái employ one's talent to the fullest; everyone gives of their best
其材 rén jìn qí cái employ one's talent to the fullest; everyone gives of their best; also written 人盡其才|人尽其才
皆知 rén jìn jiē zhī see 盡人皆知|尽人皆知[jin4 ren2 jie1 zhi1]
仁至義 rén zhì yì jìn extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to duty
使 shǐ jìn to exert all one's strength
qīng jìn to do all one can; to give all one has
共軛不根 gòng è bù jìn gēn conjugate surd (math.)
前功棄 qián gōng jìn qì to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom); all that has been achieved goes down the drain
神危 lì jìn shén wēi totally exhausted as result of overexertion (idiom)
yǒu jìn (Internet slang) end of friendship; friendship over!
取之不,用之不竭 qǔ zhī bù jìn , yòng zhī bù jié limitless supply (of); inexhaustible
shòu jìn to suffer enough from; to suffer all kinds of; to have one's fill of
所能 gè jìn suǒ néng each does his utmost (idiom); from each according to his means
同歸於 tóng guī yú jìn to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes; to take sb down with oneself; to end in mutual destruction
xī jìn to absorb completely; to drink up
咬舌自 yǎo shé zì jìn to commit suicide by biting off one's tongue
喪失殆 sàng shī dài jìn to be used up; to be exhausted
sàng jìn to completely lose (one's dignity, vitality etc)
天良 sàng jìn tiān liáng devoid of conscience (idiom); utterly heartless
心酸 cháng jìn xīn suān to experience one's full share of sorrows (idiom)
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