bái bai

white; pure, unblemished; bright

HSK 2 #286


白 bái
  • surname Bai
  • white
  • snowy
  • pure
  • bright
  • empty
  • blank
  • plain
  • clear
  • to make clear
  • in vain
  • gratuitous
  • free of charge
  • reactionary
  • anti-communist
  • funeral
  • to stare coldly
  • to write wrong character
  • to state
  • to explain
  • vernacular
  • spoken lines in opera


白 stroke order diagram
白 stroke order animation


鹭 zhōng bái lù (bird species of China) intermediate egret (Egretta intermedia)
鷺 zhōng bái lù (bird species of China) intermediate egret (Egretta intermedia)
乍青乍 zhà qīng zhà bái (of sb's face) turning alternately green and white
天空 rǔ bái tiān kōng whiteout
伊莉萨 yī lì sà bái Elizabeth (name); also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白
伊莉薩 yī lì sà bái Elizabeth (name); also written 伊麗莎白|伊丽莎白
伊麗莎 yī lì shā bái Elizabeth (person name)
休氏喉林莺 xiū shì bái hóu lín yīng (bird species of China) Hume's whitethroat (Sylvia althaea)
休氏喉林鶯 xiū shì bái hóu lín yīng (bird species of China) Hume's whitethroat (Sylvia althaea)
俞天 yú tiān bái Yu Tianbai (1937-), novelist
甜 shǎ bái tián (Internet slang) sweet, naive young woman
俨如昼 yǎn rú bái zhòu as bright as daylight (idiom)
儼如晝 yǎn rú bái zhòu as bright as daylight (idiom)
克尔 kè ěr bái Ka'aba, sacred building in Mecca
克爾 kè ěr bái Ka'aba, sacred building in Mecca
pōu bái to explain oneself
bàn bái fifty (years of age)
bó bái Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi
县 bó bái xiàn Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi
縣 bó bái xiàn Bobai county in Yulin 玉林[Yu4 lin2], Guangxi
fǎn bái reverse type (white on black); reversed-out (graphics); highlighting (of selected text on a computer screen)
kǒu bái narrator; spoken parts in an opera
食 chī bái shí to eat without paying; to freeload
饭 chī bái fàn to eat plain rice; (fig.) to eat and not pay for it; to sponge off others; to freeload
飯 chī bái fàn to eat plain rice; (fig.) to eat and not pay for it; to sponge off others; to freeload