bái bai

white; pure, unblemished; bright

HSK 2 #286


白 bái
  • surname Bai
  • white
  • snowy
  • pure
  • bright
  • empty
  • blank
  • plain
  • clear
  • to make clear
  • in vain
  • gratuitous
  • free of charge
  • reactionary
  • anti-communist
  • funeral
  • to stare coldly
  • to write wrong character
  • to state
  • to explain
  • vernacular
  • spoken lines in opera


白 stroke order diagram
白 stroke order animation


颊噪鹛 bái jiá zào méi (bird species of China) white-browed laughingthrush (Garrulax sannio)
頰噪鶥 bái jiá zào méi (bird species of China) white-browed laughingthrush (Garrulax sannio)
颊山鹧鸪 bái jiá shān zhè gū (bird species of China) white-cheeked partridge (Arborophila atrogularis)
頰山鷓鴣 bái jiá shān zhè gū (bird species of China) white-cheeked partridge (Arborophila atrogularis)
颊鹎 bái jiá bēi (bird species of China) Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys)
頰鵯 bái jiá bēi (bird species of China) Himalayan bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys)
颊黑雁 bái jiá hēi yàn (bird species of China) barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis)
頰黑雁 bái jiá hēi yàn (bird species of China) barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis)
颈噪鹛 bái jǐng zào méi (bird species of China) white-necked laughingthrush (Garrulax strepitans)
頸噪鶥 bái jǐng zào méi (bird species of China) white-necked laughingthrush (Garrulax strepitans)
颈长尾雉 bái jǐng cháng wěi zhì (bird species of China) Elliot's pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti)
頸長尾雉 bái jǐng cháng wěi zhì (bird species of China) Elliot's pheasant (Syrmaticus ellioti)
颈鸦 bái jǐng yā (bird species of China) collared crow (Corvus torquatus)
頸鴉 bái jǐng yā (bird species of China) collared crow (Corvus torquatus)
颈鸫 bái jǐng dōng (bird species of China) white-collared blackbird (Turdus albocinctus)
頸鶇 bái jǐng dōng (bird species of China) white-collared blackbird (Turdus albocinctus)
颈鹳 bái jǐng guàn (bird species of China) woolly-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus)
頸鸛 bái jǐng guàn (bird species of China) woolly-necked stork (Ciconia episcopus)
额圆尾鹱 bái é yuán wěi hù (bird species of China) bonin petrel (Pterodroma hypoleuca)
額圓尾鸌 bái é yuán wěi hù (bird species of China) bonin petrel (Pterodroma hypoleuca)
额燕鸥 bái é yàn ōu (bird species of China) little tern (Sternula albifrons)
額燕鷗 bái é yàn ōu (bird species of China) little tern (Sternula albifrons)
额雁 bái é yàn (bird species of China) greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons)
額雁 bái é yàn (bird species of China) greater white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons)
额鹱 bái é hù (bird species of China) streaked shearwater (Calonectris leucomelas)