dāng dàng

bear, accept, undertake; just


當 dāng
  • (onom.) dong
  • ding dong (bell)
  • to be
  • to act as
  • manage
  • withstand
  • when
  • during
  • ought
  • should
  • match equally
  • equal
  • same
  • obstruct
  • just at (a time or place)
  • on the spot
  • right
  • just at
當 dàng
  • at or in the very same...
  • suitable
  • adequate
  • fitting
  • proper
  • to replace
  • to regard as
  • to think
  • to pawn
  • (coll.) to fail (a student)


liǎng dāng Liangdang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu
縣 liǎng dāng xiàn Liangdang county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu
diǎn dàng to pawn; pawnshop
fèn dāng as should be; as expected
劑量量 jì liàng dāng liàng dose equivalent
勢不可 shì bù kě dāng impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force
gòu dàng shady business
又想婊子又想立牌坊 yòu xiǎng dāng biǎo zi yòu xiǎng lì pái fāng lit. to lead the life of a whore but still want a monument put up to one's chastity (idiom); fig. to have bad intentions but still want a good reputation; to want to have one's cake and eat it too
別論 lìng dāng bié lùn to treat differently; another cup of tea
吃虧上 chī kuī shàng dàng to be taken advantage of
hé dāng must; should
吊兒郎 diào r láng dāng sloppy
吐便 tǔ biàn dāng (slang) (of a character) to reappear in a story line after having been supposedly killed off; cf. 領盒飯|领盒饭[ling3 he2 fan4]
guāng dāng crash; bang
lāng dāng more or less; or so (of approx age or number); and so on
派 gá dāng pài Bkar-dgam-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism
大敵前 dà dí dāng qián facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties; Enemy at the Gates, 1991 movie by Jean-Jacques Annaud
大而無 dà ér wú dàng grandiose but impractical (idiom); large but of no real use
shī dàng inappropriate; improper
jiā dāng crucial moment; critical time
兒 jiā dāng r erhua variant of 夾當|夹当[jia1 dang1]
好漢不提年勇 hǎo hàn bù tí dāng nián yǒng a real man doesn't boast about his past achievements (idiom)
好漢做事好漢 hǎo hàn zuò shì hǎo hàn dāng daring to act and courageous enough to take responsibility for it (idiom); a true man has the courage to accept the consequences of his actions; the buck stops here
tuǒ dang appropriate; proper; ready
安步車 ān bù dàng chē to go on foot (idiom); to do things at a leisurely pace