
stop, halt; stay, detain, keep

HSK 3 #554


留 liú
  • old variant of 留[liu2]
  • to leave (a message etc)
  • to retain
  • to stay
  • to remain
  • to keep
  • to preserve


留 stroke order diagram
留 stroke order animation


守 liú shǒu to stay behind to take care of things
宿 liú sù to put up a guest; to stay overnight
jiǔ liú to stay for a long time
yù liú to set aside; to reserve
存 liú cún to keep; to preserve; extant; to remain (from the past)
级 liú jí to repeat a year in school
wǎn liú to urge to stay; to detain
步 liú bù (said by departing guest) no need to see me out
mí liú seriously ill and about to die
校 liú xiào to join the faculty of one's alma mater upon graduation; to remain at school during vacation
声机 liú shēng jī gramophone; phonograph
任 liú rèn to remain in office; to hold on to one's job
权 jū liú quán right of abode (law)
用 liú yòng to keep for use; to retain sth; to keep sb in his job
职 liú zhí to keep an official position; to hold on to one's job
学生 liú xué shēng student studying abroad; (foreign) exchange student; CL:個|个[ge4],位[wei4]
影 liú yǐng to take a photo as a souvenir; a souvenir photo
话 liú huà to leave word; to leave a message
zhù liú to stay; to remain; to linger; (computing) to reside; resident (program etc)
一手 liú yī shǒu to hold back a trick; not to divulge all one's trade secrets
堂 liú táng to stay behind (after class); to be given detention; detention
言簿 liú yán bù visitor's book; CL:本[ben3]
jī liú to stay; to detain
待 liú dài to leave sth for later; to postpone (work, a decision etc)
停薪职 tíng xīn liú zhí leave of absence without pay