HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 554th character |
RADICAL | ⽥ (102.5) |
STROKES | 10 |
INDEX # | 2009 |
stop, halt; stay, detain, keep
留 liú |

留学 liú xué | to study abroad |
保留 bǎo liú | to keep; to retain; to have reservations (about sth); to hold back (from saying sth); to put aside for later |
拘留 jū liú | to detain (a prisoner); to keep sb in custody |
残留 cán liú | to remain; left over; surplus; remnant |
留神 liú shén | to take care; to be careful |
遗留 yí liú | to leave behind; to hand down |
留恋 liú liàn | reluctant to leave; to hate to have to go; to recall fondly |
滞留 zhì liú | to detain; retention |
留念 liú niàn | to keep as a souvenir; to recall fondly |
留下 liú xià | to leave behind; to stay behind; to remain; to keep; not to let (sb) go |
留言 liú yán | to leave a message; to leave one's comments; message |
留给 liú gěi | to set aside for |
留意 liú yì | to be mindful; to pay attention to; to take note of |
停留 tíng liú | to stay somewhere temporarily; to stop over |
留住 liú zhù | to ask sb to stay; to keep sb for the night; to await (classical) |
留心 liú xīn | to be careful; to pay attention to |
收留 shōu liú | to offer shelter; to have sb in one's care |
拘留所 jū liú suǒ | detention center; prison |
逗留 dòu liú | to stay at; to stop over |
留情 liú qíng | to relent (to spare sb's feelings); to show mercy or forgiveness; to forbear; lenient |
扣留 kòu liú | to detain; to arrest; to hold; to confiscate |
残留物 cán liú wù | remnant; residue; material left over |
去留 qù liú | going or staying |
毫不留情 háo bù liú qíng | to show no quarter; ruthless; relentless |
居留 jū liú | residence; to reside |