shēng sheng

life, living, lifetime; birth


生 shēng
  • to be born
  • to give birth
  • life
  • to grow
  • raw
  • uncooked
  • student



工具 yǎn shēng gōng jù derivative (finance)
产品 yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn derivative product; derivative (in finance)
產品 yǎn shēng chǎn pǐn derivative product; derivative (in finance)
wèi shēng health; hygiene; sanitation
丸 wèi shēng wán mothball; (jocular term) bullet
丸 wèi shēng wán mothball; (jocular term) bullet
套 wèi shēng tào condom; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
套 wèi shēng tào condom; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
官员 wèi shēng guān yuán health official
官員 wèi shēng guān yuán health official
局 wèi shēng jú health office; bureau of hygiene
巾 wèi shēng jīn sanitary towel
厅 wèi shēng tīng (provincial) health department
廳 wèi shēng tīng (provincial) health department
棉 wèi shēng mián sterilized absorbent cotton wool (used for dressings or cleansing wounds); sanitary napkin; tampon
棉条 wèi shēng mián tiáo tampon
棉條 wèi shēng mián tiáo tampon
球 wèi shēng qiú mothball
用纸 wèi shēng yòng zhǐ toilet paper
用紙 wèi shēng yòng zhǐ toilet paper
紙 wèi shēng zhǐ toilet paper; bathroom tissue
署 wèi shēng shǔ health bureau (or office, or department, or agency)
署 wèi shēng shǔ health bureau (or office, or department, or agency)
裤 wèi shēng kù long underwear pants
褲 wèi shēng kù long underwear pants