shēng sheng

life, living, lifetime; birth


生 shēng
  • to be born
  • to give birth
  • life
  • to grow
  • raw
  • uncooked
  • student



纏夾二先 chán jiā èr xiān sheng annoying muddle-headed person who gabbles unintelligibly
置之死地而後 zhì zhī sǐ dì ér hòu shēng place sb on a field of death and he will fight to live (idiom based on Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法|孙子兵法[Sun1 zi3 Bing1 fa3]); to fight desperately when confronting mortal danger; fig. to find a way out of an impasse
门 luó shēng mén Rashomon, Japanese novel and movie; (fig.) situation where conflicting interpretations of the same event obscure the truth; unsolvable case
門 luó shēng mén Rashomon, Japanese novel and movie; (fig.) situation where conflicting interpretations of the same event obscure the truth; unsolvable case
常談 lǎo shēng cháng tán an old observation (idiom); a truism; banal comments
老蚌珠 lǎo bàng shēng zhū lit. an old oyster producing a pearl (idiom); fig. birthing a son at an advanced age
liáo shēng to earn a living (esp. with negative)
肄業 yì yè shēng dropout student
胚胎发 pēi tāi fā shēng embryogenesis
胚胎發 pēi tāi fā shēng embryogenesis
脊椎指压治疗医 jǐ zhuī zhǐ yā zhì liáo yī shēng chiropractor
脊椎指壓治療醫 jǐ zhuī zhǐ yā zhì liáo yī shēng chiropractor
yè shēng axillary (botany); budding in the angle between branch and stem
兰 fǔ shēng lán Cymbidium macrorrhizum Lindl.
蘭 fǔ shēng lán Cymbidium macrorrhizum Lindl.
脑子锈 nǎo zi shēng xiù lit. brains rusty; ossified thinking
腦子銹 nǎo zi shēng xiù lit. brains rusty; ossified thinking
肿瘤病医 zhǒng liú bìng yī shēng oncologist (medicine)
腫瘤病醫 zhǒng liú bìng yī shēng oncologist (medicine)
自滅 zì shēng zì miè to emerge and perish on its own; to run its course (idiom)
自养物 zì yǎng shēng wù (biology) autotroph
自養物 zì yǎng shēng wù (biology) autotroph
俱来 yǔ shēng jù lái inherent; innate
俱來 yǔ shēng jù lái inherent; innate
浆 huā shēng jiàng peanut butter; also written 花生醬|花生酱