
jade ring or bracelet; ring


環 huán
  • surname Huan
  • ring
  • hoop
  • loop
  • (chain) link
  • classifier for scores in archery etc
  • to surround
  • to encircle
  • to hem in


秀山莊 huán xiù shān zhuāng Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty in Suzhou, Jiangsu
箍 huán gū a hoop
節 huán jié (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc); (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process), etc
節動物 huán jié dòng wù annelid (worm)
節動物門 huán jié dòng wù mén Annelidan, the phylum of annelid worms
線 huán xiàn ring road; circle line (e.g. rail or subway)
縣 huán xiàn Huan county in Qingyang 慶陽|庆阳[Qing4 yang2], Gansu
繞 huán rào to surround; to circle; to revolve around
翠 huán cuì Huancui district of Weihai city 威海市, Shandong
翠區 huán cuì qū Huancui district of Weihai city 威海市, Shandong
肌 huán jī circular muscle
衛 huán wèi public cleanliness; (urban) sanitation; environmental sanitation; abbr. for 環境衛生|环境卫生[huan2 jing4 wei4 sheng1]
衛工人 huán wèi gōng rén sanitation worker
評 huán píng environmental impact assessment (EIA); abbr. for 環境影響評估|环境影响评估
路 huán lù ring road; closed circuit; loop
遊 huán yóu to travel around (the world, a country etc)
面 huán miàn ring surface; annulus; torus (math.)
頸山鷓鴣 huán jǐng shān zhè gū (bird species of China) hill partridge (Arborophila torqueola)
頸鴴 huán jǐng héng (bird species of China) Kentish plover (Charadrius alexandrinus)
顧 huán gù to look around; to survey
顧四周 huán gù sì zhōu to look around
生存境 shēng cún huán jìng habitat; living environment
生態境游 shēng tài huán jìng yóu ecotourism
社會境 shè huì huán jìng milieu; social environment
符記 fú jì huán token ring (computing)