HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 681st character |
RADICAL | ⽟ (96.4) |
INDEX # | 945 |
jade ring or bracelet; ring
环 huán |

环境 huán jìng | environment; circumstances; surroundings; CL:個|个[ge4]; ambient |
耳环 ěr huán | earring; CL:隻|只[zhi1],對|对[dui4] |
环节 huán jié | (zoology) segment (of the body of a worm, centipede etc); (fig.) a part of an integrated whole: aspect (of a project), element (of a policy), sector (of the economy), stage (of a process), etc |
循环 xún huán | to cycle; to circulate; circle; loop |
连环 lián huán | chain |
环球 huán qiú | around the world; worldwide |
环保 huán bǎo | environmental protection; environmentally friendly; abbr. for 環境保護|环境保护[huan2 jing4 bao3 hu4] |
环绕 huán rào | to surround; to circle; to revolve around |
环游 huán yóu | to travel around (the world, a country etc) |
指环 zhǐ huán | (finger) ring |
光环 guāng huán | halo; ring of light |
环顾 huán gù | to look around; to survey |
连环画 lián huán huà | lianhuanhua (graphic novel) |
花环 huā huán | garland; floral hoop |
环形 huán xíng | ring-shaped |
循环系统 xún huán xì tǒng | circulatory system |
恶性循环 è xìng xún huán | vicious circle |
环保局 huán bǎo jú | environment protection office; PRC National bureau of environmental protection |
环状 huán zhuàng | annular; toroidal; loop-shaped; ring-like |
吊环 diào huán | rings (gymnastics) |
环路 huán lù | ring road; closed circuit; loop |
四环素 sì huán sù | tetracycline |
环卫 huán wèi | public cleanliness; (urban) sanitation; environmental sanitation; abbr. for 環境衛生|环境卫生[huan2 jing4 wei4 sheng1] |
门环 mén huán | door knocker (in the shape of a ring) |
环城 huán chéng | encircling the city (of walls, ring road etc); around the city |