
jade ring or bracelet; ring


環 huán
  • surname Huan
  • ring
  • hoop
  • loop
  • (chain) link
  • classifier for scores in archery etc
  • to surround
  • to encircle
  • to hem in


zhěng huán integral ring (math.)
食 rì huán shí an annular eclipse of the sun
李瑞 lǐ ruì huán Li Ruihuan (1934-), former Chinese politician
楊玉 yáng yù huán Yang Yuhuan or Yang Guifei 楊貴妃|杨贵妃[Yang2 Gui4 fei1] (719-756), famous Tang beauty, consort of Emperor Xuanzhong 唐玄宗[Tang2 Xuan2 zong1], blamed for extravagance and killed as a scapegoat during the An-Shi Rebellion 安史之亂|安史之乱[An1 Shi3 zhi1 Luan4]
檸檬酸循 níng méng suān xún huán citric acid cycle; Krebs cycle; tricarboxylic acid cycle
正牙帶 zhèng yá dài huán orthodontic brace
溫鹽流 wēn yán huán liú thermohaline circulation (oceanography)
huá huán slip ring; collector ring (electrical engineering)
wān huán twisting river
huǒ huán Ring of Fire (circum-Pacific seismic belt)
燃料循 rán liào xún huán fuel cycle
yù huán Yuhuan county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang
縣 yù huán xiàn Yuhuan county in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang
住 huán zhù to embrace
保 huán bǎo environmental protection; environmentally friendly; abbr. for 環境保護|环境保护[huan2 jing4 bao3 hu4]
保主義 huán bǎo zhǔ yì environmentalism
保主義者 huán bǎo zhǔ yì zhě environmentalist
保型 huán bǎo xíng environmental; environmentally friendly
保局 huán bǎo jú environment protection office; PRC National bureau of environmental protection
保廳 huán bǎo tīng (provincial) department of environmental protection
保科學 huán bǎo kē xué environmental science
保筷 huán bǎo kuài reusable chopsticks (Tw)
保部 huán bǎo bù Ministry of Environmental Protection
保鬥士 huán bǎo dòu shì an environmental activist; a fighter for environmental protection
創 huán chuàng eye-catching décor for young children (in classrooms, libraries etc) (posters, mobiles, murals etc) (abbr. for 環境創設|环境创设[huan2 jing4 chuang4 she4])