agate; cornelian



  • agate
  • cornelian
  • agate
  • cornelian


玛 stroke order diagram
玛 stroke order animation


多 mǎ duō Madoi or Maduo county (Tibetan: rma stod rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai
wèi mǎ Weimar
射线 jiā mǎ shè xiàn gamma ray (loanword)
克拉依 kè lā mǎ yī Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture-level city in Xinjiang
克拉依区 kè lā mǎ yī qū Karamay district (Uighur: Qaramay Rayoni) of Qaramay City, Xinjiang
克拉依市 kè lā mǎ yī shì Qaramay shehiri (Karamay city) or Kèlāmǎyī prefecture-level city in Xinjiang
窦 lì mǎ dòu Matteo Ricci (1552-1610), Jesuit missionary and translator in Ming China
hū mǎ Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang
县 hū mǎ xiàn Huma county in Daxing'anling prefecture 大興安嶺地區|大兴安岭地区, Heilongjiang
哈伯斯 hā bó mǎ sī Jürgen Habermas (1929-), German social philosopher
兰族 gá mǎ lán zú Kavalan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
塔克拉干沙漠 tǎ kè lā mǎ gān shā mò Taklamakan Desert, Xinjiang
尔 tǎ mǎ ěr Tamar (name)
tā mǎ Tamir (mother of Perez and Zerah)
威妥 wēi tuǒ mǎ Sir Thomas Francis Wade (1818-1895), British diplomat and sinologist, originator of the Wade-Giles Chinese romanization system
威妥拼法 wēi tuǒ mǎ pīn fǎ Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)
威妥拼音 wēi tuǒ mǎ pīn yīn Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)
共和国 wēi mǎ gòng hé guó Weimar Republic (German Reich, 1919-1933)
拼法 wēi mǎ pīn fǎ Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)
拼音 wēi mǎ pīn yīn Wade-Giles system (romanization of Chinese)
ní mǎ Nyima county, Tibetan: Nyi ma rdzong in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet
县 ní mǎ xiàn Nyima county, Tibetan: Nyi ma rdzong in Nagchu prefecture 那曲地區|那曲地区[Na4 qu3 di4 qu1], central Tibet
・沃特森 ài mǎ ・ wò tè sēn Emma Watson (1990-), British actress
所多与蛾摩拉 suǒ duō mǎ yǔ é mó lā Sodom and Gomorrah
新艺拉 xīn yì lā mǎ Cinerama