

HSK 1 #1673


猫 māo
  • cat
  • CL:隻|只[zhi1]
  • (dialect) to hide oneself
  • (coll.) modem


猫 stroke order diagram
猫 stroke order animation


xióng māo panda; CL:隻|只[zhi1]
头鹰 māo tóu yīng owl
yě māo wildcat; stray cat
腻 māo nì (coll.) something fishy; shenanigans
shān māo lynx; bobcat; leopard cat
子 yè māo zi owl; (fig.) night owl
大熊 dà xióng māo giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
小熊 xiǎo xióng māo lesser panda; red panda; firefox
眼 māo yǎn peephole; chrysoberyl
波斯 bō sī māo Persian (cat)
lí māo leopard cat; raccoon dog; palm civet
líng māo civet (arboreal cat); viverrid (mammal group including mongoose and civet)
熊 māo xióng see 熊貓|熊猫[xiong2 mao1]
腰 máo yāo to bend over
三毛 sān máo māo tortoiseshell cat; calico cat
三脚 sān jiǎo māo jack of all trades
三色 sān sè māo calico cat
不管白,捉住老鼠就是好 bù guǎn bái māo hēi māo , zhuō zhù lǎo shǔ jiù shì hǎo māo it doesn't matter whether a cat is white or black; as long as it catches mice it's a good cat (variant of a Sichuanese saying used in a speech by Deng Xiaoping 鄧小平|邓小平[Deng4 Xiao3 ping2] in 1962, usually associated with his economic reforms starting in 1978, in which pragmatism was favored over ideological purity)
gōng māo male cat; tomcat
凯蒂 kǎi dì māo Hello Kitty
加菲 jiā fēi māo Garfield (comic strip cat created by Jim Davis)
叮叮 dīng dīng māo (dialect) dragonfly
xī māo (neologism c. 2017) to dote on cats
大山 dà shān māo Lynx rufus
座 tiān māo zuò Lynx (constellation)
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