HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 997th character |
RADICAL | ⽛ (92.0) |
INDEX # | 102 |
tooth, molars, teeth; serrated
牙 yá |

刷牙 shuā yá | to brush one's teeth |
牙膏 yá gāo | toothpaste; CL:管[guan3] |
牙齿 yá chǐ | tooth; dental; CL:顆|颗[ke1] |
西班牙 xī bān yá | Spain |
西班牙语 xī bān yá yǔ | Spanish language |
牙医 yá yī | dentist |
牙刷 yá shuā | toothbrush; CL:把[ba3] |
葡萄牙语 pú táo yá yǔ | Portuguese (language) |
匈牙利 xiōng yá lì | Hungary |
牙买加 yá mǎi jiā | Jamaica |
假牙 jiǎ yá | false teeth; dentures |
以牙还牙 yǐ yá huán yá | a tooth for a tooth (retaliation) |
老掉牙 lǎo diào yá | very old; obsolete; out of date |
牙科 yá kē | dentistry |
象牙 xiàng yá | ivory; elephant tusk |
牙签 yá qiān | toothpick |
葡萄牙 pú táo yá | Portugal |
门牙 mén yá | incisor |
爪牙 zhǎo yá | pawn; lackey; accomplice (in crime); collaborator; henchman; claws and teeth |
磨牙 mó yá | to grind one's teeth (during sleep); pointless arguing; (coll.) molar |
獠牙 liáo yá | tusk; fang |
乳牙 rǔ yá | deciduous tooth; milk tooth; baby tooth |
海牙 hǎi yá | The Hague (city in the Netherlands); Den Haag |
牙龈 yá yín | gums; gingiva |
咬紧牙关 yǎo jǐn yá guān | lit. to bite the teeth tightly (idiom); fig. to grit one's teeth and bear the pain; to bite the bullet |