tooth, molars, teeth; serrated

HSK 3 #997


牙 yá
  • tooth
  • ivory
  • CL:顆|颗[ke1]


牙 stroke order diagram
牙 stroke order animation


缝 yá fèng gap between teeth
塔 xiàng yá tǎ ivory tower
tī yá to pick one's teeth
yǎo yá to clench one's teeth; to grind the teeth; gnaw
bāo yá buck tooth; projecting tooth
切齿 yǎo yá qiè chǐ gnashing one's teeth (idiom); displaying extreme anger; fuming with rage between gritted teeth
舞爪 zhāng yá wǔ zhǎo to bare fangs and brandish claws (idiom); to make threatening gestures
bá yá to extract a tooth
西班人 xī bān yá rén Spaniard; Spanish person
根 yá gēn root of tooth
葡萄人 pú táo yá rén Portuguese (person)
俐齿 líng yá lì chǐ clever and eloquent (idiom); fluent; having the gift of the gab
垢 yá gòu dental plaque; tartar
huàn yá to grow replacement teeth (zoology); to grow permanent teeth in place of milk teeth
痛 yá tòng toothache
关 yá guān jaw; mandibular joint
bǔ yá to fill a tooth (cavity); to have a tooth filled; a dental filling
sāi yá to get food stuck between one's teeth
咧嘴 zī yá liě zuǐ to grimace (in pain); to show one's teeth; to bare one's fangs
yuè yá crescent moon
bǎn yá incisor; molar; screw die; threading die
海岸 xiàng yá hǎi àn Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast (Tw)
xiāng yá to have a false tooth set in; denture
龈炎 yá yín yán gingivitis
hǔ yá (coll.) eye tooth (maxillary canine tooth)