
you; that, those; final particle


爾 ěr
  • variant of 爾|尔[er3]
  • thus
  • so
  • like that
  • you
  • thou


薩斯 ā ěr sà sī Alsace, French department
袞琴 ā ěr gǔn qín Algonquin (North American people)
都塞 ā ěr dōu sāi surname Althusser; Louis Pierre Althusser 路易·皮埃爾·阿爾都塞|路易·皮埃尔·阿尔都塞[Lu4 yi4 · Pi2 ai1 er3 · A1 er3 dou1 sai1] (1918-1990), Marxist philosopher
阿穆州 ā mù ěr zhōu Amur Oblast, in far eastern Russia
阿穆河 ā mù ěr hé Amur River (the border between northeast China and Russia); same as 黑龍江|黑龙江[Hei1 long2 jiang1]
阿芙樂號 ā fú lè ěr hào Russian cruiser Aurora, firing the shot signaling the 1917 revolution, a favorite of communist iconography
阿貝 ā bèi ěr Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829), Norwegian mathematician; (math.) abelian
阿達比 ā dá bǐ ěr Ardabil in Azerbaijan region of Iran
阿金庫 ā jīn kù ěr Agincourt (near Arras in north France, scene of a battle in 1415)
阿魯科沁 ā lǔ kē ěr qìn Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia
阿魯科沁旗 ā lǔ kē ěr qìn qí Ar Horqin banner or Aru Khorchin khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia
阿魯納恰邦 ā lǔ nà qià ěr bāng Arunachal Pradesh, a state of India in the northeast of the country, occupying an area claimed by China in an ongoing sovereignty dispute
陳巴虎旗 chén bā ěr hǔ qí Old Barag banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔[Hu1 lun2 bei4 er3], Inner Mongolia
隆格 lóng gé ěr former Lunggar county 1983-1999 occupying parts of Zhongba county 仲巴縣|仲巴县[Zhong4 ba1 xian4], Ngari prefecture, Tibet
隆格縣 lóng gé ěr xiàn former Lunggar county 1983-1999 occupying parts of Zhongba county 仲巴縣|仲巴县[Zhong4 ba1 xian4], Ngari prefecture, Tibet
塔 yǎ ěr tǎ Yalta
雪菲德 xuě fēi ěr dé Sheffield (City in England)
雷亞 léi yà ěr real (Brazilian currency) (loanword)
雷阿城 léi ā ěr chéng Ciudad Real
huò ěr Hall (name)
姆斯 huò ěr mǔ sī Holmes (name)
布魯克 huò ěr bù lǔ kè Holbrook (name); Richard C.A. Holbrooke (1941-2010), US diplomat, influential in brokering 1995 Dayton Bosnian peace deal, US special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan from 2009
木茲 huò ěr mù zī Hormuz, Iran, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf
木茲島 huò ěr mù zī dǎo Hormuz Island, Iran, at the mouth of the Persian Gulf
木茲海峽 huò ěr mù zī hǎi xiá Strait of Hormuz