
you; that, those; final particle


爾 ěr
  • variant of 爾|尔[er3]
  • thus
  • so
  • like that
  • you
  • thou


ā ěr jí ěr Algiers, capital of Algeria
坎塔拉 ā ěr kǎn tǎ lā Alcántara, municipality in the province of Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain; Alcantara, Brazil space launch site
山 ā ěr shān Arxan county level city, Mongolian Rashaant xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia
山市 ā ěr shān shì Arxan county level city, Mongolian Rashaant xot, in Hinggan league 興安盟|兴安盟[Xing1 an1 meng2], east Inner Mongolia
巴尼亞 ā ěr bā ní yà Albania
巴尼亞人 ā ěr bā ní yà rén Albanian (person)
斯通公司 ā ěr sī tōng gōng sī Alstom (company name)
梅里亞 ā ěr méi lǐ yà Almería
法 ā ěr fǎ alpha (Greek letter Αα)
法・羅密歐 ā ěr fǎ ・ luó mì ōu Alfa Romeo
法粒子 ā ěr fǎ lì zǐ alpha particle (helium nucleus)
泰 ā ěr tài Altai republic in Russian central Asia, capital Gorno-Altaysk
泰山 ā ěr tài shān Altai mountain range in Xinjiang and Siberia
泰山脈 ā ěr tài shān mài Altai mountain chain on the border of Russia and Mongolia
泰紫菀 ā ěr tài zǐ wǎn flower or herb of Heteropappus altaicus (used in TCM); Flos seu Herba Heteropappi altaici
泰語 ā ěr tài yǔ Altaic language
泰雪雞 ā ěr tài xuě jī (bird species of China) Altai snowcock (Tetraogallus altaicus)
漢格斯克州 ā ěr hàn gé ěr sī kè zhōu Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
瓦塞特 ā ěr wǎ sè tè Albacete, Spain
茨海默 ā ěr cí hǎi mò Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), German psychiatrist and neuropathologist
茨海默氏病 ā ěr cí hǎi mò shì bìng Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia
茨海默氏症 ā ěr cí hǎi mò shì zhèng Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia
茨海默病 ā ěr cí hǎi mò bìng Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia
茨海默症 ā ěr cí hǎi mò zhèng Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia
蓋達 ā ěr gài dá al-Qaeda