
father, grandfather


爺 yé
  • grandpa
  • old gentleman


老天 lǎo tiān yé God; Heavens
老天餓不死瞎家雀 lǎo tiān yé è bù sǐ xiā jiā què lit. heaven won't let the sparrows go hungry (idiom); fig. don't give up hope; if you tough it out, there will be light at the end of the tunnel
老太 lǎo tài yé elderly gentleman (respectful); esteemed father
lǎo ye (respectful) lord; master; (coll.) maternal grandfather
子 lǎo yé zi my (you etc) old father; polite appellation for an elderly male
嶺 lǎo ye lǐng Chinese name for Sichote-Alin mountain range in Russia's Primorsky Krai around Vladivostok
lǎo yé ye (coll.) father's father's father; paternal great-grandfather
車 lǎo ye chē classic car
bǎng yé topless guy (man who, in a public place, is not wearing a shirt)
jiù yé father's maternal uncle; granduncle
財神 cái shén yé god of wealth; very wealthy man
閻王 yán wáng yé same as 閻羅王|阎罗王; Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja
青天大老 qīng tiān dà lǎo ye (coll.) just and incorruptible official