HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 1007th character |
RADICAL | ⽗ (88.2) |
INDEX # | 492 |
father, grandfather
爷 yé |

爷爷 yé ye | (coll.) father's father; paternal grandfather; CL:個|个[ge4] |
老天爷 lǎo tiān yé | God; Heavens |
少爷 shào ye | son of the boss; young master of the house; your son (honorific) |
大爷 dà yé | arrogant idler; self-centered show-off |
大爷 dà ye | (coll.) father's older brother; uncle; term of respect for older man |
老爷 lǎo ye | (respectful) lord; master; (coll.) maternal grandfather |
老爷子 lǎo yé zi | my (you etc) old father; polite appellation for an elderly male |
老爷爷 lǎo yé ye | (coll.) father's father's father; paternal great-grandfather |
爷们 yé men | menfolk (collective term for men of different generations); husbands and their fathers etc |
老爷车 lǎo ye chē | classic car |
姥爷 lǎo ye | maternal grandfather (dialectal) |
姑爷 gū ye | son-in-law (used by wife's family); uncle (husband of father's sister) |
老大爷 lǎo dà yé | uncle; grandpa; CL:位[wei4] |
财神爷 cái shén yé | god of wealth; very wealthy man |
老佛爷 lǎo fó yé | title of respect for the queen mother or the emperor's father; nickname for Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4] |
阎王爷 yán wáng yé | same as 閻羅王|阎罗王; Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja |
佛爷 fó ye | Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shi4 jia1 mou2 ni2]); His Holiness (refers to a Buddhist grandee); Buddha; God; emperor; in late Qing court, refers exclusively to Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4] |
倒爷 dǎo yé | (coll.) a profiteer; (business) wheeler-dealer |
王爷 wáng ye | prince; marquis; nobleman |
七爷八爷 qī yé bā yé | see 黑白無常|黑白无常[Hei1 Bai2 Wu2 chang2] |
侃爷 kǎn yé | big talker |
外爷 wài ye | (dialect) maternal grandfather |
天老爷 tiān lǎo ye | see 老天爺|老天爷[lao3 tian1 ye2] |
太爷 tài yé | (respectful for) one's grandfather; sb's father; older people; the head of the house (used by servants); a district magistrate |
官老爷 guān lǎo ye | nickname for official |