wèi wéi

do, handle, govern, act; be


為 wèi
  • because of
  • for
  • to
  • variant of 為|为[wei4], because of
為 wéi
  • as (in the capacity of)
  • to take sth as
  • to act as
  • to serve as
  • to behave as
  • to become
  • to be
  • to do
  • by (in the passive voice)
  • variant of 為|为[wei2]
  • as (i.e. in the capacity of)


先入主 xiān rù wéi zhǔ lit. first impression is strongest
先睹快 xiān dǔ wéi kuài joy of first experience (idiom); the pleasure of reading sth for the first time
入土安 rù tǔ wéi ān buried and at rest (idiom); Resquiescat in pacem (RIP)
fēn wéi to divide sth into (parts); to subdivide
liè wéi to be classified as
利他行 lì tā xíng wéi altruistic behavior
到此止 dào cǐ wéi zhǐ to stop at this point; to end here; to call it a day
到目前止 dào mù qián wéi zhǐ until now; so far
刻意之 kè yì wéi zhī to make a conscious effort; to do something deliberately
削職民 xuē zhí wéi mín demotion to commoner (idiom)
助人快樂之本 zhù rén wéi kuài lè zhī běn pleasure from helping others
助人樂 zhù rén wéi lè pleasure from helping others (idiom)
助紂虐 zhù zhòu wéi nüè lit. helping tyrant Zhou 商紂王|商纣王[Shang1 Zhou4 wang2] in his oppression (idiom); fig. to take the side of the evildoer; giving succor to the enemy
勉力而 miǎn lì ér wéi to try one's best to do sth (idiom)
其難 miǎn wéi qí nán to tackle a difficult job (idiom); to do sth reluctantly
勤儉服務之本 qín jiǎn wéi fú wù zhī běn hardwork and thriftiness are the foundations of service (idiom)
化干戈玉帛 huà gān gē wéi yù bó lit. to exchange weapons of war for gifts of jade and silk (idiom); fig. to turn hostility into friendship
化整零 huà zhěng wéi líng to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one; divide and conquer
化敵友 huà dí wéi yǒu to convert an enemy into a friend (idiom)
泡影 huà wéi pào yǐng to come to nothing (idiom)
烏有 huà wéi wū yǒu to go up in smoke; to vanish
化腐朽神奇 huà fǔ xiǔ wéi shén qí lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom)
化險夷 huà xiǎn wéi yí to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
jí wéi to be considered to be; to be defined to be; to be called
反客主 fǎn kè wéi zhǔ lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn from passive to active behavior