wèi wéi

do, handle, govern, act; be


為 wèi
  • because of
  • for
  • to
  • variant of 為|为[wei4], because of
為 wéi
  • as (in the capacity of)
  • to take sth as
  • to act as
  • to serve as
  • to behave as
  • to become
  • to be
  • to do
  • by (in the passive voice)
  • variant of 為|为[wei2]
  • as (i.e. in the capacity of)


不足道 bù zú wéi dào to be not worth mentioning
事在人 shì zài rén wéi the matter depends on the individual (idiom); it is a matter for your own effort; With effort, one can achieve anything.
因果 hù wéi yīn guǒ mutually related karma (idiom); fates are intertwined; interdependent
人不己,天誅地滅 rén bù wèi jǐ , tiān zhū dì miè Look out for yourself, or heaven and earth will combine to destroy you.; Every man for himself, and the Devil take the hindmost.
人滿患 rén mǎn wéi huàn packed with people; overcrowded; overpopulation
rén wéi artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort
刀俎,我魚肉 rén wéi dāo zǔ , wǒ wéi yú ròu lit. to be the meat on sb's chopping block (idiom); fig. to be at sb's mercy
土 rén wéi tǔ Anthrosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)
財死,鳥食亡 rén wèi cái sǐ , niǎo wèi shí wáng lit. human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food (idiom); fig. man will do anything in his means to become rich
以人本 yǐ rén wéi běn people-oriented
以史鑒 yǐ shǐ wéi jiàn to learn from history (idiom)
以和貴 yǐ hé wéi guì harmony is to be prized
以慎鍵 yǐ shèn wéi jiàn to take caution as the key (idiom); to proceed very carefully
以此 yǐ cǐ wéi to regard as; to treat as
yǐ wéi to think (i.e. to take it to be true that ...) (Usually there is an implication that the notion is mistaken – except when expressing one's own current opinion.)
以鄰壑 yǐ lín wéi hè to use one's neighbor as a drain; to shift one's problems onto others (idiom)
己有 zhàn wéi jǐ yǒu to appropriate to oneself (what rightfully belongs to others)
何樂而不 hé lè ér bù wéi What can you have against it? (idiom); We should do this.; Go for it!
zuò wéi one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be
侵權行 qīn quán xíng wéi tort; infringement (of sb's rights)
信以真 xìn yǐ wéi zhēn to take sth to be true
倒果因 dào guǒ wéi yīn to reverse cause and effect; to put the horse before the cart
zuò wéi to act as; used erroneously for 作為|作为
偶一之 ǒu yī wéi zhī to do sth once in a while (idiom); to do sth more as an exception than the rule
先下手強 xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng strike first and gain the upper hand (idiom, martial arts term); Making the first move is an advantage.