wèi wéi

do, handle, govern, act; be


為 wèi
  • because of
  • for
  • to
  • variant of 為|为[wei4], because of
為 wéi
  • as (in the capacity of)
  • to take sth as
  • to act as
  • to serve as
  • to behave as
  • to become
  • to be
  • to do
  • by (in the passive voice)
  • variant of 為|为[wei2]
  • as (i.e. in the capacity of)


一之甚 yī zhī wéi shèn once is more than enough (idiom)
一分二 yī fēn wéi èr one divides into two; to be two-sided; there are two sides to everything; to see both sb's good points and shortcomings (idiom)
一吐快 yī tǔ wéi kuài to get sth off one's chest
一日師,終身父 yī rì wéi shī , zhōng shēn wéi fù lit. teacher for one day, father for ever (idiom)
一言定 yī yán wéi dìng (idiom) it's a deal; that's settled then
一言重 yī yán wéi zhòng each word carries weight; a promise must be kept (idiom)
三十六計,走上策 sān shí liù jì , zǒu wéi shàng cè Of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, fleeing is best.; see also 三十六計|三十六计[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4]
三十六計,走上計 sān shí liù jì , zǒu wéi shàng jì see 三十六計,走為上策|三十六计,走为上策[san1 shi2 liu4 ji4 , zou3 wei2 shang4 ce4]
下不例 xià bù wéi lì not to be repeated; not to be taken as a precedent; just this once
不以意 bù yǐ wéi yì not to mind; unconcerned
不以然 bù yǐ wéi rán not to accept as correct (idiom); to object; to disapprove; to take exception to
不作 bù zuò wéi nonfeasance; omission (law)
不失 bù shī wéi can still be considered (to be...); may after all be accepted as
不孝有三,無後大 bù xiào yǒu sān , wú hòu wéi dà There are three ways to be unfilial; having no sons is the worst. (citation from Mencius 孟子[Meng4 zi3])
不得已而之 bù dé yǐ ér wéi zhī to have no other choice; to be the last resort
人知 bù wéi rén zhī not known to anyone; secret; unknown
左右袒 bù wèi zuǒ yòu tǎn to remain neutral in a quarrel (idiom)
已甚 bù wéi yǐ shèn refrain from going to extremes in meting out punishment; not be too hard on subject
所動 bù wéi suǒ dòng to remain unmoved
酒困 bù wéi jiǔ kùn not a slave to the bottle; able to enjoy alcohol in moderation; able to hold one's drink
不足外人道 bù zú wéi wài rén dào no use to tell others; let's keep this between ourselves (idiom)
不足奇 bù zú wéi qí not at all surprising (idiom)
不足怪 bù zú wéi guài not at all surprising (idiom)
不足慮 bù zú wéi lǜ to give no cause for anxiety; nothing to worry about
不足訓 bù zú wéi xùn not to be taken as an example; not an example to be followed; not to be taken as authoritative
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