HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 1568th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.11) |
STROKES | 14 |
INDEX # | 3163 |
float, drift; tossed about
漂 piào |
漂 piāo |
漂 piǎo |

漂亮 piào liang | pretty; beautiful |
漂浮 piāo fú | to float; to hover; to drift (also fig., to lead a wandering life); to rove; showy; superficial |
漂流 piāo liú | to float on the current; to drift along or about; rafting |
漂移 piāo yí | to drift |
漂白 piǎo bái | to bleach; to whiten |
漂白剂 piǎo bái jì | bleach |
漂泊 piāo bó | to drift (in the tide); to rove; to lead a wandering existence; drifter; wanderer |
漂洗 piǎo xǐ | to rinse (clothes) |
北漂 běi piāo | migrant worker living and working in Beijing without a residence permit |
大陆漂移 dà lù piāo yí | continental drift |
大陸漂移 dà lù piāo yí | continental drift |
爱漂亮 ài piào liang | to like looking attractive (usually of girls); aestheticism |
愛漂亮 ài piào liang | to like looking attractive (usually of girls); aestheticism |
打水漂 dǎ shuǐ piāo | to skip stones (on water); (coll.) to squander one's money on a bad investment |
洋漂族 yáng piāo zú | lit. ocean drifting people; job-hopping foreigner |
浮漂 fú piāo | see 漂浮[piao1 fu2] |
漂摇 piāo yáo | swaying; tottering; unstable |
漂搖 piāo yáo | swaying; tottering; unstable |
漂染 piǎo rǎn | to bleach and dye |
漂洋 piāo yáng | to cross the ocean |
漂流瓶 piāo liú píng | message in a bottle |
漂流者 piāo liú zhě | white water rafter; paddler; river runner |
漂白劑 piǎo bái jì | bleach |
漂白水 piǎo bái shuǐ | bleach |
漂砾 piāo lì | boulder |