滿 mǎn

fill; full, satisfied


滿 mǎn
  • Manchu ethnic group
  • to fill
  • full
  • filled
  • packed
  • fully
  • completely
  • quite
  • to reach the limit
  • to satisfy
  • satisfied
  • contented


一著不慎,滿盤皆輸 yī zhāo bù shèn , mǎn pán jiē shū One careless move and the whole game is lost. (idiom)
滿 bù mǎn resentful; discontented; dissatisfied
滿意 bù mǎn yì dissatisfied
滿為患 rén mǎn wéi huàn packed with people; overcrowded; overpopulation
令人滿意 lìng rén mǎn yì satisfying; satisfactory
伊通滿族自治縣 yī tōng mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn Yitong Manchurian autonomous county in Siping 四平, Jilin
使滿意 shǐ mǎn yì to make content
滿月 zuò mǎn yuè to celebrate a child reaching the age of one month
滿 chōng mǎn full of; brimming with; very full; permeated
滿陽光 chōng mǎn yáng guāng sun-drenched
滿勤,幹滿點 chū mǎn qín , gàn mǎn diǎn to be assiduous and work full hours
滿 xíng mǎn to complete a prison sentence
功完行滿 gōng wán xíng mǎn to fully achieve one's ambitions (idiom)
功德圓滿 gōng dé yuán mǎn virtuous achievements come to their successful conclusion (idiom)
加德滿都 jiā dé mǎn dū Kathmandu, capital of Nepal
滿 jiā mǎn to top up; to fill to the brim
北鎮滿族自治縣 běi zhèn mǎn zú zì zhì xiàn Beizhen Manzu autonomous county in Liaoning
滿 zhàn mǎn to fill; to occupy completely
滿天下 míng mǎn tiān xià world famous
圍場滿族蒙古族自治縣 wéi chǎng mǎn zú měng gǔ zú zì zhì xiàn Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei
滿 yuán mǎn satisfactory; consummate; perfect
滿 duī mǎn to pile up
滿 sāi mǎn to stuff full; to cram in; packed tight; chock full
滿 tián mǎn to cram
滿貫 dà mǎn guàn grand slam
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