HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 436th character |
RADICAL | ⽔ (85.10) |
STROKES | 13 |
INDEX # | 3005 |
fill; full, satisfied
- fill
- full, satisfied
- Manchu ethnic group
- to fill
- full
- filled
- packed
- fully
- completely
- quite
- to reach the limit
- to satisfy
- satisfied
- contented

满意 mǎn yì | satisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction |
充满 chōng mǎn | full of; brimming with; very full; permeated |
满足 mǎn zú | to satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content |
丰满 fēng mǎn | Fengman district of Jilin city 吉林市, Jilin province; ample; well developed; fully rounded |
美满 měi mǎn | happy; blissful |
圆满 yuán mǎn | satisfactory; consummate; perfect |
自满 zì mǎn | complacent; self-satisfied |
装满 zhuāng mǎn | to fill up |
不满 bù mǎn | resentful; discontented; dissatisfied |
满满 mǎn mǎn | full; closely packed |
满嘴 mǎn zuǐ | a full mouth of (sth physical); to have the mouth exclusively filled with (a certain language, lies, promises, etc) |
满怀 mǎn huái | to have one's heart filled with; (to collide) full on; (of farm animals) heavy with young |
布满 bù mǎn | to be covered with; to be filled with |
满身 mǎn shēn | covered all over |
沾满 zhān mǎn | muddy; covered in (mud, dust, sweat, blood etc); daubed in |
满月 mǎn yuè | full moon; whole month; baby's one-month old birthday |
满分 mǎn fēn | full marks |
挤满 jǐ mǎn | crowded to bursting point; filled to overflowing; jam-packed |
满心 mǎn xīn | one's whole heart; from the bottom of one's heart |
满洲 mǎn zhōu | Manchuria |
心满意足 xīn mǎn yì zú | perfectly contented (idiom); perfectly satisfied |
堆满 duī mǎn | to pile up |
满员 mǎn yuán | full complement; at full strength; no vacancies |
满堂 mǎn táng | whole audience; a sellout (capacity audience); jam-packed |
满天飞 mǎn tiān fēi | to rush around everywhere; always active |