tāng tang

hot water; soup, gravy, broth


湯 tāng
  • surname Tang
  • soup
  • hot or boiling water
  • decoction of medicinal herbs
  • water in which sth has been boiled
湯 shāng
  • rushing current


一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋 yī kē lǎo shǔ shǐ huài le yī guō tāng lit. a piece of rat feces spoiled the whole pot of soup (idiom); fig. one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch
三拗 sān ào tāng san'ao decoction (TCM)
沃沸 yǐ tāng wò fèi to manage a situation badly (idiom)
lì tāng soup of the day
八珍 bā zhēn tāng eight-treasure decoction, tonic formula used in Chinese medicine
參雞 shēn jī tāng samgyetang, popular Korean chicken soup with ginseng, spices etc
達 sī tāng dá Stendhal
味噌 wèi cēng tāng miso soup
shāng tāng Shang Tang (1646-? BC), legendary founder of the Shang Dynasty
科技 shāng tāng kē jì SenseTime, artificial intelligence company focused on computer vision and deep learning technologies, founded in Hong Kong in 2014
四物 sì wù tāng four-substance decoction (si wu tang), tonic formula used in Chinese medicine
固若金 gù ruò jīn tāng secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water (idiom); well fortified; invulnerable to attack
nǎi tāng white broth, or milky broth: an unctuous, milky white pork broth of Chinese cuisine
山 xiǎo tāng shān Xiaotangshan town in Beijing municipality
小籠包 xiǎo lóng tāng bāo steamed soup dumpling
不換藥 huàn tāng bù huàn yào different broth but the same old medicine (idiom); a change in name only; a change in form but not in substance
藥 fū tāng yào (coll.) to pay compensation for medical expenses
斧鉞鑊 fǔ yuè tāng huò battle-ax and boiling cauldron (idiom); facing torture and execution
mǔ tāng (Tw) (slang) don't; must not; won't do; (from Taiwanese 毋通, Tai-lo pr. [m̄-thang], similar to Mandarin 不要[bu4 yao4] or 不行[bu4 xing2])
毒雞 dú jī tāng (coll.) profit-motivated article cynically disguised as feel-good content 雞湯|鸡汤[ji1 tang1] and designed to go viral
tǔn tāng to prepare a soup
chí tāng large pool in a bathhouse
pào tāng to dawdle; to go slow deliberately; to fizzle out; to have all one's hopes dashed; (Tw) to have a soak in a hot spring
yù tāng see 湯浴|汤浴[tang1 yu4]
qīng tāng broth; clear soup; consommé
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