
cool, cold; disheartened


涼 liáng
  • the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|后凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼|南凉 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)
  • cool
  • cold
涼 liàng
  • to let sth cool down


世態炎 shì tài yán liáng the hypocrisy of the world (idiom)
chéng liáng to cool off in the shade
wǔ liáng the five Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms, namely: Former Liang 前涼|前凉 (314-376), Later Liang 後涼|后凉 (386-403), Northern Liang 北涼|北凉 (398-439), Southern Liang 南涼 (397-414), Western Liang 西涼|西凉 (400-421)
倒吸一口氣 dào xī yī kǒu liáng qì to gasp (with amazement or shock etc); to feel a chill run down one's spine; to have one's hairs stand on end
bīng liáng ice-cold
前人栽樹,後人乘 qián rén zāi shù , hòu rén chéng liáng to enjoy the benefits of the hard work of one's predecessors. (idiom)
qián liáng Former Liang, one of the Sixteen Kingdoms (314-376)
běi liáng Northern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (398-439)
nán liáng Southern Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (397-414)
shòu liáng to catch cold
水都塞牙 hē liáng shuǐ dōu sāi yá (coll.) to be out of luck
大樹底下好乘 dà shù dǐ xià hǎo chéng liáng lit. under a big tree the shade is plentiful (idiom); fig. to benefit by proximity to an influential person
píng liáng Pingliang prefecture level city in Gansu
地區 píng liáng dì qū Pingliang prefecture in Gansu
市 píng liáng shì Pingliang prefecture level city in Gansu
hòu liáng Later Liang of the Sixteen Kingdoms (386-403)
心靜自然 xīn jìng zì rán liáng a calm heart keeps you cool (idiom)
bēi liáng sorrowful; dismal
qī liáng mournful; miserable; desolate (place)
手搭棚 shǒu dā liáng péng to shade one's eyes with one's hand
bá liáng bá liáng (dialect) very cold; chilled
chōng liáng (dialect) to take a shower
了半截 liáng le bàn jié felt a chill (in one's heart); (one's heart) sank
亭 liáng tíng pavilion
城 liáng chéng Liangcheng county in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布[Wu1 lan2 cha2 bu4], Inner Mongolia
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