
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


鞘 hǎi qiào Ascidiacea; sea squirt
福如东 fú rú dōng hǎi may your happiness be as immense as the East Sea (idiom)
阿拉伯 ā lā bó hǎi Arabian Sea
huáng hǎi Yellow Sea
名扬四 míng yáng sì hǎi to become known far and wide (idiom); famous
经 shān hǎi jīng Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BC-200 BC, contains wide range of geography, mythology, witchcraft, popular customs etc
巴士峡 bā shì hǎi xiá Bashi Channel in the northern part of the Luzon Strait, just south of Taiwan
放之四而皆准 fàng zhī sì hǎi ér jiē zhǔn appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable; a panacea; applicable anywhere (idiom)
沿地区 yán hǎi dì qū coastland; coastal areas
内外 hǎi nèi wài domestic and international; at home and abroad
南 hǎi nán Hainan Province, in the South China Sea, short name 瓊|琼[Qiong2], capital Haikou 海口; Hainan Island; Hainan District of Wuhai City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia; Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Qinghai
南岛 hǎi nán dǎo Hainan Island in South China Sea
城 hǎi chéng Haicheng county level city in Anshan 鞍山[An1 shan1], Liaoning
森伯 hǎi sēn bó Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist
涅 hǎi niè Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), German lyric poet
港区 hǎi gǎng qū harbor district; Haigang district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei
航 hǎi háng Hainan Airlines
草 hǎi cǎo seagrass
角天涯 hǎi jiǎo tiān yá see 天涯海角[tian1 ya2 hai3 jiao3]
关总署 hǎi guān zǒng shǔ General Administration of Customs (GAC)
陆 hǎi lù sea and land; ocean and continent; army and navy
阳 hǎi yáng Haiyang county level city in Yantai 煙台|烟台, Shandong
盐 hǎi yán Haiyan county in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang; sea salt
石沉大 shí chén dà hǎi lit. to throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea (idiom); fig. to elicit no response
lín hǎi Linhai county level city in Taizhou 台州[Tai1 zhou1], Zhejiang; to overlook the sea; on the waterfront