
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


登 hǎi dēng Hayden or Haydn (name)
船 hǎi chuán seagoing ship
警 hǎi jǐng coast guard
桑田 cāng hǎi sāng tián lit. the blue sea turned into mulberry fields (idiom); fig. the transformations of the world
象牙岸 xiàng yá hǎi àn Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast (Tw)
cháng hǎi Changhai county in Dalian 大連|大连[Da4 lian2], Liaoning
古根姆 gǔ gēn hǎi mǔ Guggenheim (name)
曾经沧 céng jīng cāng hǎi lit. having crossed the vast ocean (idiom); fig. widely experienced in the vicissitudes of life
宁 hǎi níng Haining county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jia1 xing1], Zhejiang
洋学 hǎi yáng xué oceanography
潮 hǎi cháo tide
狗 hǎi gǒu fur seal
米 hǎi mǐ dried shrimps
白令 bái lìng hǎi Bering Sea
家 háng hǎi jiā mariner; seafarer
五湖四 wǔ hú sì hǎi all parts of the country
口 rù hǎi kǒu estuary
爱琴 ài qín hǎi Aegean Sea
排山倒 pái shān dǎo hǎi lit. to topple the mountains and overturn the seas (idiom); earth-shattering; fig. gigantic; of spectacular significance
姆 màn hǎi mǔ Mannheim, German city at the confluence of Rhine and Neckar
堤 hǎi dī levee; dyke; seawall
德堡 hǎi dé bǎo Heidelberg
德尔堡 hǎi dé ěr bǎo Heidelberg; also written 海德堡
森堡 hǎi sēn bǎo Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist; also written 海森伯
蚀 hǎi shí coastal erosion; marine abrasion