
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


虎頭鵰 hǔ tóu hǎi diāo (bird species of China) Steller's sea eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus)
蜚声外 fēi shēng hǎi wài famous at home and abroad
蜚聲外 fēi shēng hǎi wài famous at home and abroad
lǐ hǎi Caspian Sea
地鸦 lǐ hǎi dì yā (bird species of China) Pander's ground jay (Podoces panderi)
地鴉 lǐ hǎi dì yā (bird species of China) Pander's ground jay (Podoces panderi)
褐翅叉尾燕 hè chì chā wěi hǎi yàn (bird species of China) Tristram's storm petrel (Oceanodroma tristrami)
西 xī hǎi Yellow Sea (Korean term)
角嘴雀 jiǎo zuǐ hǎi què (bird species of China) rhinoceros auklet (Cerorhinca monocerata)
tǎo hǎi to make one's living from the sea
tǎo hǎi to make one's living from the sea
峰 xǔ hǎi fēng Xu Haifeng (1957-), PRC sharpshooter, 50m pistol gold medalist at Los Angeles 1984 Olympics
峰 xǔ hǎi fēng Xu Haifeng (1957-), PRC sharpshooter, 50m pistol gold medalist at Los Angeles 1984 Olympics
夸下口 kuā xia hǎi kǒu see 誇海口|夸海口[kua1 hai3 kou3]
誇下口 kuā xia hǎi kǒu see 誇海口|夸海口[kua1 hai3 kou3]
口 kuā hǎi kǒu to boast; to talk big
口 kuā hǎi kǒu to boast; to talk big
豹 xiàng hǎi bào elephant seal
大桥 kuà hǎi dà qiáo bay bridge (elevated bridge across stretch of water)
大橋 kuà hǎi dà qiáo bay bridge (elevated bridge across stretch of water)
cí hǎi Cihai, an encyclopedic dictionary first published in 1915, and frequently revised
tōng hǎi Tonghai county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan
县 tōng hǎi xiàn Tonghai county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan
縣 tōng hǎi xiàn Tonghai county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yu4 xi1], Yunnan
道山学 dào shān xué hǎi mountain of Dao, sea of learning (idiom); learning is as high as the mountains, as wide as the seas; ars longa, vita brevis