
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


目空四 mù kōng sì hǎi the eye can see nothing worthwhile all around (idiom); arrogant; condescending; supercilious
直布罗陀峡 zhí bù luó tuó hǎi xiá Strait of Gibraltar
直布羅陀峽 zhí bù luó tuó hǎi xiá Strait of Gibraltar
瞞天過 mán tiān guò hǎi to cross the sea by a trick (idiom); to achieve one's aim by underhanded means
石投大 shí tóu dà hǎi to disappear like a stone dropped into the sea; to vanish forever without trace
青天 bì hǎi qīng tiān green sea, blue sky (idiom); sea and sky merge in one shade; loneliness of faithful widow
福如東 fú rú dōng hǎi may your happiness be as immense as the East Sea (idiom)
fú hǎi Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang
县 fú hǎi xiàn Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang
縣 fú hǎi xiàn Fuhai county or Burultoqay nahiyisi in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区[A1 le4 tai4 di4 qu1], Xinjiang
棠 qiū hǎi táng begonia
移山倒 yí shān dǎo hǎi lit. to move mountains and drain seas; to transform nature
湖 chéng hǎi hú Chenghai Lake in Lijiang 麗江市|丽江市, Hunan
第勒尼安 dì lè ní ān hǎi Tyrrhenian Sea between Sardinia and the Italian mainland
yuè hǎi Guangdong-Hainan
yuè hǎi Guangdong-Hainan
精卫填 jīng wèi tián hǎi lit. mythical bird Jingwei tries to fill the ocean with stones (idiom); futile ambition; task of Sisyphus; determination in the face of impossible odds
精衛填 jīng wèi tián hǎi lit. mythical bird Jingwei tries to fill the ocean with stones (idiom); futile ambition; task of Sisyphus; determination in the face of impossible odds
hóng hǎi Red Sea
美国岸警卫队 měi guó hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì United States Coast Guard
美國岸警衛隊 měi guó hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì United States Coast Guard
联合国洋法公约 lián hé guó hǎi yáng fǎ gōng yuē United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
聯合國洋法公約 lián hé guó hǎi yáng fǎ gōng yuē United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
胖大 pàng dà hǎi malva nut; seed of Sterculia lychnophora
胡吃喝 hú chī hǎi hē to eat and drink gluttonously; to pig out