
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


刺芹 hǎi cì qín sea holly (Eryngium maritimum)
勃湾 hǎi bó wān Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia
勃灣 hǎi bó wān Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia
勃湾区 hǎi bó wān qū Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia
勃灣區 hǎi bó wān qū Haibowan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia
北 hǎi běi Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai
北州 hǎi běi zhōu Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Qinghai
北藏族自治州 hǎi běi zàng zú zì zhì zhōu Haibei Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan: Mtsho-byang Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul) in Qinghai
协会 hǎi xié huì Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS); abbr. for 海峽兩岸關係協會|海峡两岸关系协会[Hai3 xia2 Liang3 an4 Guan1 xi5 Xie2 hui4]
協會 hǎi xié huì Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS); abbr. for 海峽兩岸關係協會|海峡两岸关系协会[Hai3 xia2 Liang3 an4 Guan1 xi5 Xie2 hui4]
南区 hǎi nán qū Hainan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia
南區 hǎi nán qū Hainan District of Wuhait City 烏海市|乌海市[Wu1 hai3 Shi4], Inner Mongolia
南大学 hǎi nán dà xué Hainan University
南大學 hǎi nán dà xué Hainan University
南孔雀雉 hǎi nán kǒng què zhì (bird species of China) Hainan peacock-pheasant (Polyplectron katsumatae)
南山鹧鸪 hǎi nán shān zhè gū (bird species of China) Hainan partridge (Arborophila ardens)
南山鷓鴣 hǎi nán shān zhè gū (bird species of China) Hainan partridge (Arborophila ardens)
南島 hǎi nán dǎo Hainan Island in South China Sea
南州 hǎi nán zhōu see 海南藏族自治州[Hai3 nan2 Zang4 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1]
南柳莺 hǎi nán liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Hainan leaf warbler (Phylloscopus hainanus)
南柳鶯 hǎi nán liǔ yīng (bird species of China) Hainan leaf warbler (Phylloscopus hainanus)
南省 hǎi nán shěng Hainan Province, in South China Sea, abbr. 瓊|琼[Qiong2], capital Haikou 海口
南蓝仙鹟 hǎi nán lán xiān wēng (bird species of China) Hainan blue flycatcher (Cyornis hainanus)
南藍仙鶲 hǎi nán lán xiān wēng (bird species of China) Hainan blue flycatcher (Cyornis hainanus)
南藏族自治州 hǎi nán zàng zú zì zhì zhōu Hainan Tibetan autonomous prefecture (Tibetan Mtsho-lho Bod-rigs rang-skyong-khul), Qinghai