
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


浩如烟 hào rú yān hǎi vast as the open sea (idiom); fig. extensive (library)
浩如煙 hào rú yān hǎi vast as the open sea (idiom); fig. extensive (library)
上奇书 hǎi shàng qí shū literary journal published in 1892-93 by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆 featuring serialized novels in Classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular
上奇書 hǎi shàng qí shū literary journal published in 1892-93 by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆 featuring serialized novels in Classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular
上花列传 hǎi shàng huā liè zhuàn The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆[Han2 Bang1 qing4], long novel of lower life in Classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular; translated into Putonghua as 海上花 by Iris Chang
上花列傳 hǎi shàng huā liè zhuàn The Sing-Song Girls of Shanghai by Han Bangqing 韓邦慶|韩邦庆[Han2 Bang1 qing4], long novel of lower life in Classical Chinese and Jiangsu vernacular; translated into Putonghua as 海上花 by Iris Chang
上运动 hǎi shàng yùn dòng water sports (sailing, windsurfing etc)
上運動 hǎi shàng yùn dòng water sports (sailing, windsurfing etc)
事局 hǎi shì jú PRC Maritime Safety Agency
事法院 hǎi shì fǎ yuàn maritime court
事处 hǎi shì chù Marine Department (Hong Kong)
事處 hǎi shì chù Marine Department (Hong Kong)
于格松 hǎi yú gé sōng Haugesund (city in Rogaland, Norway)
伯利 hǎi bó lì Highbury (name)
信 hǎi xìn Hisense (brand)
倫 hǎi lún Hailun county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang; Helen or Hélène (name)
伦・凯勒 hǎi lún ・ kǎi lē Helen Keller (1880-1968), famous American deaf-blind author and activist (whose story is told in biopic The Miracle Worker)
倫・凱勒 hǎi lún ・ kǎi lē Helen Keller (1880-1968), famous American deaf-blind author and activist (whose story is told in biopic The Miracle Worker)
伦市 hǎi lún shì Hailun county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang
倫市 hǎi lún shì Hailun county level city in Suihua 綏化|绥化, Heilongjiang
兔 hǎi tù sea hare (Aplysia)
內 hǎi nèi the whole world; throughout the land; everything under the sun
內外 hǎi nèi wài domestic and international; at home and abroad
内存知己,天涯若比邻 hǎi nèi cún zhī jǐ , tiān yá ruò bǐ lín close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door; close in spirit although far away
內存知己,天涯若比鄰 hǎi nèi cún zhī jǐ , tiān yá ruò bǐ lín close friend in a distant land, far-flung realms as next door; close in spirit although far away