
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


dìng hǎi Dinghai district of Zhoushan city 舟山市[Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejiang; Qing dynasty name of 舟山市
区 dìng hǎi qū Dinghai district of Zhoushan city 舟山市[Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejiang
區 dìng hǎi qū Dinghai district of Zhoushan city 舟山市[Zhou1 shan1 shi4], Zhejiang
神针 dìng hǎi shén zhēn another name for 金箍棒[jin1 gu1 bang4]; (fig.) stabilizing force
神針 dìng hǎi shén zhēn another name for 金箍棒[jin1 gu1 bang4]; (fig.) stabilizing force
huàn hǎi officialdom; bureaucracy
风波 huàn hǎi fēng bō lit. raging sea of bureaucracy; officials causing a big fuss
風波 huàn hǎi fēng bō lit. raging sea of bureaucracy; officials causing a big fuss
níng hǎi Ninghai county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang
níng hǎi Ninghai county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang
县 níng hǎi xiàn Ninghai county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang
縣 níng hǎi xiàn Ninghai county in Ningbo 寧波|宁波[Ning2 bo1], Zhejiang
宽吻豚 kuān wěn hǎi tún bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
寬吻豚 kuān wěn hǎi tún bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
对马峡 duì mǎ hǎi xiá Tsushima Strait, between Japan and South Korea
對馬峽 duì mǎ hǎi xiá Tsushima Strait, between Japan and South Korea
經 shān hǎi jīng Classic of Mountain and Sea, probably compiled c. 500 BC-200 BC, contains wide range of geography, mythology, witchcraft, popular customs etc
关 shān hǎi guān Shanhai pass, the Eastern pass of the Great Wall; Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei
關 shān hǎi guān Shanhai pass, the Eastern pass of the Great Wall; Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei
关区 shān hǎi guān qū Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei
關區 shān hǎi guān qū Shanhaiguan district of Qinhuangdao city 秦皇島市|秦皇岛市[Qin2 huang2 dao3 shi4], Hebei
山珍错 shān zhēn hǎi cuò rarities from the mountain and the sea (idiom); fig. a sumptuous spread of food delicacies
山珍錯 shān zhēn hǎi cuò rarities from the mountain and the sea (idiom); fig. a sumptuous spread of food delicacies
山盟誓 shān méng hǎi shì to pledge undying love (idiom); oath of eternal love; to swear by all the Gods
山高深 shān gāo hǎi shēn high as the mountain and deep as the sea (idiom); fig. infinite bounty