
sea, ocean; maritime

HSK 4 #189


  • sea, ocean
  • maritime
  • surname Hai
  • ocean
  • sea
  • CL:個|个[ge4],片[pian4]
  • great number of people or things
  • (dialect) numerous


海 stroke order diagram
海 stroke order animation


墨西拿峽 mò xī ná hǎi xiá Strait of Messina between Calabria and Sicily
撈針 dà hǎi lāo zhēn lit. to fish a needle from the sea; to find a needle in a haystack (idiom)
沟 dà hǎi gōu marine trench
溝 dà hǎi gōu marine trench
天南北 tiān nán hǎi běi see 天南地北[tian1 nan2 di4 bei3]
奥特朗托峡 ào tè lǎng tuō hǎi xiá Strait of Otranto between the heel of Italy and Albania
奧特朗托峽 ào tè lǎng tuō hǎi xiá Strait of Otranto between the heel of Italy and Albania
wēi hǎi Weihai prefecture level city in Shandong
市 wēi hǎi shì Weihai prefecture level city in Shandong
卫 wēi hǎi wèi Weihaiwei, late Qing naval port in Weihai 威海, Shandong
衛 wēi hǎi wèi Weihaiwei, late Qing naval port in Weihai 威海, Shandong
孙继 sūn jì hǎi Sun Jihai (1977-), Chinese footballer, played for Manchester City (2002-2008)
孫繼 sūn jì hǎi Sun Jihai (1977-), Chinese footballer, played for Manchester City (2002-2008)
xué hǎi sea of learning; erudite; knowledgeable person; scholarship
xué hǎi sea of learning; erudite; knowledgeable person; scholarship
泛舟 xué hǎi fàn zhōu sailing on the sea of learning (idiom)
泛舟 xué hǎi fàn zhōu sailing on the sea of learning (idiom)
无涯 xué hǎi wú yá sea of learning, no horizon (idiom); no limits to what one still has to learn; ars longa, vita brevis
無涯 xué hǎi wú yá sea of learning, no horizon (idiom); no limits to what one still has to learn; ars longa, vita brevis
花 niè hǎi huā Flower in the sea of evil, late Qing novel by Jin Tianhe 金天翮[Jin1 Tian1 he2]
安・瑟薇 ān ・ hǎi sè wēi see 安妮·海瑟薇[An1 ni2 · Hai3 se4 wei1]
安妮・瑟薇 ān ní ・ hǎi sè wēi Anne Hathaway (1982-), American actress
安德 ān dé hǎi An Dehai (-1869), the Qing equivalent of Rasputin, all-powerful court eunuch with the dowager empress Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4], executed in 1869 by her rival Empress Mother Empress Dowager Ci'an 慈安皇太后
安达曼 ān dá màn hǎi Andaman Sea
安達曼 ān dá màn hǎi Andaman Sea