
ditch, drain, narrow waterway

HSK 5 #1610


沟 gōu
  • ditch
  • gutter
  • groove
  • gully
  • ravine
  • CL:道[dao4]


沟 stroke order diagram
沟 stroke order animation


tiān gōu (rainwater) gutter
shān gōu gōu (coll.) remote valley; backwoods
fú gōu Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan
县 fú gōu xiàn Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan
dōng gōu Donggou town in Liangzihu district 梁子湖區|梁子湖区[Liang2 zi5 hu2 qu1] of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
镇 dōng gōu zhèn Donggou town in Liangzihu district 梁子湖區|梁子湖区[Liang2 zi5 hu2 qu1] of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
柳条事件 liǔ tiáo gōu shì jiàn see 柳條湖事件|柳条湖事件[Liu3 tiao2 Hu2 Shi4 jian4]
水磨 shuǐ mò gōu Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang
水磨区 shuǐ mò gōu qū Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang
xǐ gōu to roll a ball into the gutter (ten-pin bowling)
qú gōu trench
涧 gōu jiàn gully; ravine
谷 gōu gǔ gully
道 gōu dào groove
shèn gōu sewer
lí gōu furrow
炎 jiǎ gōu yán paronychia (medicine)
桥 lú gōu qiáo Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge in southwest of Beijing, the scene of a conflict that marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1]
桥事变 lú gōu qiáo shì biàn Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937, regarded as the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1]
gǔ gōu buttock cleavage; butt crack
nǎo gōu sulcus (neuroanatomy)
tún gòu gluteal fold
桥 lú gōu qiáo Lugou Bridge or Marco Polo Bridge in southwest of Beijing, the scene of a conflict that marked the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1]
桥事变 lú gōu qiáo shì biàn Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 7th July 1937, regarded as the beginning of the Second Sino-Japanese War 抗日戰爭|抗日战争[Kang4 Ri4 Zhan4 zheng1]
门头 mén tóu gōu Mentougou district of Beijing municipality