
ditch, drain, narrow waterway


溝 gōu
  • ditch
  • gutter
  • groove
  • gully
  • ravine
  • CL:道[dao4]


V v gōu low neckline that reveals the cleavage; décolleté; gully
九寨 jiǔ zhài gōu Jiuzhaigou Valley, Sichuan; Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan
九寨縣 jiǔ zhài gōu xiàn Jiuzhaigou county, Sichuan
九寨風景名勝區 jiǔ zhài gōu fēng jǐng míng shèng qū Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historical Interest Area, Sichuan
rǔ gōu cleavage (hollow between a woman's breasts)
dài gōu generation gap
bīng gōu crevasse
口語通 kǒu yǔ gōu tōng oral communication (psychology)
油 dì gōu yóu illegally recycled waste cooking oil
hè gōu ditch; narrow strip of water; moat
háo gōu trench; moat
lǒng gōu furrow (agriculture)
外側 wài cè gōu lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (neuroanatomy)
大海 dà hǎi gōu marine trench
tiān gōu (rainwater) gutter
shān gōu valley; gully; mountain region
shān gōu gōu (coll.) remote valley; backwoods
fú gōu Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan
縣 fú gōu xiàn Fugou county in Zhoukou 周口[Zhou1 kou3], Henan
排水 pái shuǐ gōu gutter
dōng gōu Donggou town in Liangzihu district 梁子湖區|梁子湖区[Liang2 zi5 hu2 qu1] of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
鎮 dōng gōu zhèn Donggou town in Liangzihu district 梁子湖區|梁子湖区[Liang2 zi5 hu2 qu1] of Ezhou city 鄂州市[E4 zhou1 shi4], Hubei
柳條事件 liǔ tiáo gōu shì jiàn see 柳條湖事件|柳条湖事件[Liu3 tiao2 Hu2 Shi4 jian4]
shuǐ gōu gutter; sewer
水磨 shuǐ mò gōu Shuimogou district (Uighur: Shuymogu Rayoni) of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市[Wu1 lu3 mu4 qi2 Shi4], Xinjiang
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