
injure, spoil; oppress; broken


  • injure, spoil
  • oppress
  • broken
  • to destroy
  • to spoil
  • to ruin
  • to injure
  • cruel
  • oppressive
  • savage
  • brutal
  • incomplete
  • disabled
  • to remain
  • to survive
  • remnant
  • surplus


缺 cán quē badly damaged; shattered
羹 cán gēng leftovers from a meal
羹剩飯 cán gēng shèng fàn leftovers from a meal; fig. remnants handed down from others
膜 cán mó leftover agricultural plastic (as waste or rubbish that needs to be disposed of or recycled)
花敗柳 cán huā bài liǔ broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. fallen woman
茶剩飯 cán chá shèng fàn spoilt tea, leftover food (idiom); remains after a meal; crumbs from the feast
莖 cán jīng stubble (the stems of plants after harvest)
虐 cán nüè mistreatment; bullying; tyrannical cruelty
部 cán bù defeated remnants; scattered survivors
酷 cán kù cruel; cruelty
酷無情 cán kù wú qíng cruel and unfeeling (idiom)
障 cán zhàng handicapped
餘 cán yú remnant; relic; residue; vestige; surplus; to remain; to leave surplus
餘沾染 cán yú zhān rǎn residual contamination
餘物 cán yú wù litter; trash
香 cán xiāng lingering fragrance
骸 cán hái remains; wreckage
dān cán to destroy
灰巖丘 huī yán cán qiū mogote (steep-sided pointed hill in karst landform)
bìng cán sick or disabled; invalid; disability
遊記 lǎo cán yóu jì The Travels of Lao Tsan, novel by late Qing novelist Liu E 劉鶚|刘鹗[Liu2 E4]
nǎo cán moronic; brainless; bonehead; retard
粉 nǎo cán fěn (slang) fanboy; fangirl
zì cán to mutilate oneself; self-harm
自相殺 zì xiāng cán shā to massacre one another (idiom); internecine strife