
injure, spoil; oppress; broken


  • injure, spoil
  • oppress
  • broken
  • to destroy
  • to spoil
  • to ruin
  • to injure
  • cruel
  • oppressive
  • savage
  • brutal
  • incomplete
  • disabled
  • to remain
  • to survive
  • remnant
  • surplus


害 cán hài to injure; to devastate; to slaughter
局 cán jú endgame (in chess); desperate situation; aftermath (of a failure)
年短景 cán nián duǎn jǐng at the end of the year (idiom)
廢 cán fèi deformity; handicapped
忍 cán rěn cruel; mean; merciless; ruthless
念 cán niàn (coll.) to regret; what a pity! (loanword from Japanese "zannen")
敗 cán bài dilapidated; in ruins
敵 cán dí defeated enemy
暴 cán bào brutal; vicious; ruthless
月 cán yuè waning moon
本 cán běn extant fragment (of book)
株 cán zhū stubble
次品 cán cì pǐn defective goods
殺 cán shā to massacre; to slaughter
殺者 cán shā zhě killer; butcher; slaughterer
毒 cán dú cruelty
民害物 cán mín hài wù to harm people and damage property (idiom)
渣 cán zhā remainder; filtered out residue; sediment; waste product; debris; detritus; rubbish
渣餘孽 cán zhā yú niè evil elements who have escaped eradication
留 cán liú to remain; left over; surplus; remnant
留物 cán liú wù remnant; residue; material left over
疾 cán jí disabled; handicapped; deformity on a person or animal
疾人 cán jí rén disabled person
疾兒 cán jí ér a child with a birth defect; a deformed child
破 cán pò broken; dilapidated