
injure, spoil; oppress; broken


  • injure, spoil
  • oppress
  • broken
  • to destroy
  • to spoil
  • to ruin
  • to injure
  • cruel
  • oppressive
  • savage
  • brutal
  • incomplete
  • disabled
  • to remain
  • to survive
  • remnant
  • surplus


中國疾人聯合會 zhōng guó cán jí rén lián hé huì China Disabled Persons' Federation
中國聯 zhōng guó cán lián China Disabled Persons' Federation (abbr. for 中國殘疾人聯合會|中国残疾人联合会[Zhong1 guo2 Can2 ji2 ren2 Lian2 he2 hui4])
守缺 bǎo cán shǒu quē conservative; to preserve the outmoded
shāng cán disabled; maimed; crippled; (of objects) damaged
人員 shāng cán rén yuán the injured; wounded personnel
xiōng cán savage; cruel; fierce
xiōng cán savage; cruel; fierce
shǒu cán (coll.) klutz
守缺 bào cán shǒu quē to cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn (idiom); conservative; stickler for tradition
cuī cán to ravage; to ruin
收拾局 shōu shi cán jú to clear up the mess; to pick up the pieces
綴軼 shōu cán zhuì yì to gather and patch up sth that is badly damaged (idiom)
敗柳花 bài liǔ cán huā broken flower, withered willow (idiom); fig. fallen woman
斷瓦垣 duàn wǎ cán yuán the tiles are broken, the walls dilapidated
兵敗將 cán bīng bài jiàng ruined army, defeated general (idiom); scattered remnants
冬臘月 cán dōng là yuè final days of the lunar year
卷 cán juàn surviving section of a classic work; remaining chapters (while reading a book)
品 cán pǐn defective goods
喘 cán chuǎn remaining breath; last gasp
垣 cán yuán (literary) ruined walls; ruins
垣敗壁 cán yuán bài bì see 殘垣斷壁|残垣断壁[can2 yuan2 duan4 bi4]
垣斷壁 cán yuán duàn bì crumbling fences and dilapidated walls (idiom)
奧 cán ào Paralympics; same as Paralympic Games 殘奧會|残奥会[Can2 Ao4 hui4]
奧會 cán ào huì Paralympic Games
存 cán cún to survive; remnant
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