huan huān

happy, pleased, glad; joy; to enjoy


歡 huān
  • variant of 歡|欢[huan1]
  • joyous
  • happy
  • pleased
  • hubbub
  • clamor
  • a breed of horse


送 huān sòng to see off; to send off
送會 huān sòng huì farewell party
騰 huān téng jubilation; great celebration; CL:片[pian4]
qiú huān to proposition a woman
kuáng huān party; carousal; hilarity; merriment; whoopee; to carouse
節 kuáng huān jié carnival
女愛 nán huān nǚ ài passionate love (idiom)
皆大喜 jiē dà huān xǐ As You Like It, comedy by Shakespeare; to everyone's delight and satisfaction
jìn huān to thoroughly enjoy oneself
而散 jìn huān ér sàn to disperse after a happy time (idiom); everyone enjoys themselves to the full then party breaks up
jié huān on friendly terms
繞膝承 rào xī chéng huān to live with one's parents, thus bringing them happiness (idiom)
lián huān to have a get-together; celebration; party
會 lián huān huì social gathering; party
落落寡 luò luò guǎ huān melancholy; unhappy
討人喜 tǎo rén xǐ huan to attract people's affection; charming; delightful
買笑追 mǎi xiào zhuī huān lit. to buy smiles to seek happiness; abandon oneself to the pleasures of the flesh (idiom)
賓主盡 bīn zhǔ jìn huān both the guests and the hosts thoroughly enjoy themselves (idiom)
金合 jīn hé huān acacia
鬱鬱寡 yù yù guǎ huān depressed; cheerless
魚水之 yú shuǐ zhī huān the pleasure of close intimacy in a couple (idiom); sexual intercourse