
shelf; frame, crosspiece


檔 dàng
  • official records
  • grade (of goods)
  • file
  • records
  • shelves
  • slot
  • gap
  • crosspiece
  • classifier for crosspieces
  • classifier for events, affairs etc
  • Taiwan pr. [dang3]
檔 dǎng
  • (Tw) variant of 擋|挡[dang3], gear


dī dàng low-grade; of low worth or rank; poor quality; inferior
diàn dàng to fill a blank space; to fill a slot (in a newspaper column, a TV program etc)
大排 dà pái dàng food stall; open-air restaurant
大牌 dà pái dàng food stall; open-air restaurant (originally Hong Kong usage, now usually written as 大排檔|大排档[da4 pai2 dang4]
cún dàng to file; to save a file (computer); saved data (for a video game etc)
qiáng dàng prime time
影像 yǐng xiàng dàng image file
dǎ dǎng (Tw) to change gears
車 dǎ dǎng chē (Tw) manual transmission motorcycle (usually denotes a traditional-style motorcycle, as opposed to a scooter)
pāi dàng partner
pái dàng stall (of market etc)
dā dàng to cooperate; partner
tān dàng (dialect) vendor's stall
dí dàng rival productions (of the same opera in neighboring theaters)
文字 wén zì dàng text file
wén dàng (computer) file
對象模型 wén dàng duì xiàng mó xíng Document Object Model (DOM)
duàn dàng sold out; to be out of stock
shū dàng bookend
口 dàng kǒu stall; booth
子 dàng zi classifier for affairs, events etc
期 dàng qī slot within a schedule; timeslot (for a TV program, a session with a photographer etc); range of dates in which an event is to be held (film screening, exhibition etc)
案 dàng àn file; record; archive
案傳輸協定 dàng àn chuán shū xié dìng File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
案分配區 dàng àn fēn pèi qū file allocation table; FAT
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