
a mark, symbol, label, sign; standard


標 biāo
  • mark
  • sign
  • label
  • to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc
  • to bear (a brand name, registration number etc)
  • prize
  • award
  • bid
  • target
  • quota
  • (old) the topmost branches of a tree
  • visible symptom
  • classifier for military units


xiù biāo armband; sleeve badge
chān biāo surveyor's beacon
jiǎo biāo superscript
計劃目 jì huà mù biāo planned target; scheduled target
註冊商 zhù cè shāng biāo registered trademark
詞性註 cí xìng biāo zhù part-of-speech tagging
jǐng biāo buoy; navigation marker
超文本記語言 chāo wén běn biāo jì yǔ yán hypertext markup language; HTML
chāo biāo to cross the limit; to be over the accepted norm; excessive
lù biāo road sign
輻射警告志 fú shè jǐng gào biāo zhì radiation warning symbol
通用漢字準交換碼 tōng yòng hàn zì biāo zhǔn jiāo huàn mǎ UCS, Chinese character coding adopted in PRC 1986; abbr. to 通用碼|通用码[tong1 yong4 ma3]
卡尺 yóu biāo kǎ chǐ dial calipers
dá biāo to reach a set standard
wéi biāo to go against the stipulated criteria
jǐn biāo prize; trophy; title
賽 jǐn biāo sài championship contest; championships
關鍵績效指 guān jiàn jì xiào zhǐ biāo key performance indicator (KPI)
隱顯目 yǐn xiǎn mù biāo intermittent target
雙重準 shuāng chóng biāo zhǔn double standard
準 fēi biāo zhǔn nonstandard; unconventional
yīn biāo phonetic symbol
風向 fēng xiàng biāo vane; propellor blade; weather vane; windsock
fēng biāo wind vane; anemometer; weathercock; fig. person who switches allegiance readily; turncoat
體育達測驗 tǐ yù dá biāo cè yàn physical fitness test (for school students etc)