
a mark, symbol, label, sign; standard


標 biāo
  • mark
  • sign
  • label
  • to mark with a symbol, label, lettering etc
  • to bear (a brand name, registration number etc)
  • prize
  • award
  • bid
  • target
  • quota
  • (old) the topmost branches of a tree
  • visible symptom
  • classifier for military units


準規格 biāo zhǔn guī gé standard; norm
準語 biāo zhǔn yǔ standard language
準間 biāo zhǔn jiān standard (hotel) room; two-person room of standard size and amenities; abbr. to 标间
準音 biāo zhǔn yīn standard pronunciation; standard tone (e.g. A = 440 Hz)
燈 biāo dēng beacon light; beacon
牌 biāo pái label; tag; sign; (brass etc) inscribed plate
界 biāo jiè to demarcate a boundary; dividing line
的 biāo dì target; aim; objective; what one hopes to gain
磚 biāo zhuān marker brick (in building); keystone
示 biāo shì to indicate
稱 biāo chēng nominal (e.g. nominal value in specification)
稱核武器 biāo chēng hé wǔ qì nominal weapon
竿 biāo gān benchmark; pole serving as mark or symbol; pole with a trophy hung on it
籤 biāo qiān label; tag; tab (of a window) (computing)
籤頁 biāo qiān yè tab (of a browser window)
線 biāo xiàn grid lines; graticule
繪 biāo huì to plot (on a chart); to mark
致 biāo zhì Peugeot
致 biāo zhi beautiful (of woman); pretty
號 biāo hào grade
記 biāo jì sign; mark; symbol; to mark up; (computing) token
誌 biāo zhì sign; mark; symbol; logo; to symbolize; to indicate; to mark
誌性 biāo zhì xìng iconic
語 biāo yǔ written slogan; placard; CL:幅[fu2],張|张[zhang1],條|条[tiao2]
語牌 biāo yǔ pái placard